Here is what I do. I want to check network roles on my character. So I added function that displays text with local role and remote role.
When I test it in editor I have roles as I expected. (Server local roles = 2x Authority and remote roles = 1xSimulatedProxy 1xAutonomousProxy so thats how is should be.
Same behaviour is when I start game from packaged exe. Then I type open “mapname”?listen and roles are changing.
For the character on listen server I got LocalRole = Authority and RemoteRole = AutonomousProxy. Is it a bug? Why locally controlled actor does have autonomous proxy as remote role?
If I am reading you correctly, on the server, the role is authority and the remote role is AutonomousProxy? That sounds correct. AutonomousProxy is usually assigned when a PlayerController is controlling the remote actor. You say that it is locally controlled, but are you talking about a pawn which is being controlled on the machine running the server, or is this a pawn being controlled on a connected client?
Thanks for your feedback!
First of all in this thread I wanted to highlight one of the problems from my other [question][1] where you also replied with great, comprehensive answer. Thanks for that! So if anyone got same problem I recommend to click the link above.
And in response to your doubts about this question.
Yes you are correct I am checking the roles on the server and I got only one pawn - listen server’s pawn. When I talked about locally controlled actor I meant pawn that is controlled by listen server when I am also on a listen server.
Here is the screen what happens. (PC role is the role checked from character’s PlayerController).
So for the future wanderers -
And as you pointed in [question][1] this is just inconsistency and should be fixed in the future engine releases.