Why model turn black after build?

why model turn black after build?looks no problem before build but after build my model becomes black. but if I move my model, my model will be good again. where is the error? where should I pay attention? texture of the model is visible again under spotlight.can anyone help me please? before thanks for everyone


Usually it can happen because of two things:

  1. Your mesh doesn’t have a lightmap uv channel = Unreal can’t visualize your light build information on the object
  2. All the normals of your mesh are flipped

Whenever you move an object it loses it’s baked light information and gets showed as dynamically lit till your next light build…

now I know reason of problem but the solution does not.
I can build without any problem if I fully explode my sketchup model, and create 1 group(compenent) before exporting to ue4.
but if my sketchup model consists of multiple groups and export to ue4, then I get a problem.
after the build, my model turns black.
how can I prevent and / or solve this problem? thanks

Hi now I know reason of problem but the solution does not. I can build without any problem if I fully explode my sketchup model, and create 1 group(compenent) before exporting to ue4. but if my sketchup model consists of multiple groups and export to ue4, then I get a problem. after the build, my model turns black. how can I prevent and / or solve this problem? thanks

I answered yesterday…I don’t know what happened…
So what I wrote is that I’ve seen similar many times when attaching objects to each other: normals tend to flip!
You should check in your 3d app if this is the case and flip them back!
…have you checked if your lightmap is ok for this object after importing (you have a proper lightmap + it’s channel is set as lightmap?