I have these four walls creating a perfectly closed area so that it does not give the light, but when building the lights it is still illuminated, I even discarded all the lights and although I do build of the lights it is still illuminated …
It could be your auto exposure settings: try changing the min and max to 1 in your post process volume. Make sure the post process volume is set to unbound so it covers the whole scene.
I already do it, i always do it when creating a new project
Do you have a lightmass Importance Volume?
Check your lightmap resolutions, lightmap UVs, Lightmass Importance Volume, default lightmass settings (environment color), and scene Lightmass Density (Alt+0). Make sure your walls are static.
you can also deactivate autoexposure in project settings. this is saved in project config folder, so you can simply copy that or greate yourself a template out of it.
Please show the complete world outliner. I guess you still have fog (atmospheric/exponential height) eg in it - this creates such lightings. Also how thick are your walls!? On the screen it looks not thick enought. Just scale them in thickness and look if it changes a thing.
You really help me! I still had components that illuminated the scene, I eliminated them and now it looks good!
Thanks, but the problems was I still had components that illuminated the scene, I eliminated them and now it looks good!