Why is my RECT Lighting Not 1 Direction

I am wanting to place the Rect Light in my scene to shine down from tube lights, but it’s shining in all directions… why is this? I have played with loads of settings and nothing seems to make a difference.

Welcome back ryan-olford4988, its great to have you here.

One of the first things I would check is if any IES texture values are set in the rect light.
If there aren’t any, then I would check your attenuation radius. I was able to reproduce the same effect when I altered it on my end. Lowering the Intensity also helped me alleviate the issue as well.

I would also try rotating the light along the Y axis as this also helps me not have the appearance of a double light.

I hope this assists you with your rect lights.

I dread to think how long its been before my reply :face_with_thermometer: I’ll head back the that project as I still have it saved (I recognise the floor tiles lol) and will get back to this post. Thank you in advance