Its not too strong. Unreal engine, and all physically based rendering uses an equitation that follows the laws of conservation of energy. Whatever portion of light is not absorbed by the surface is reflected back. The default value of 0.5 specular represents 4% specular reflectance. In other words, 96% of specular light is absorbed. This is value is relatively close to the true specularity of most materials on earth. All real world materials exhibit at least some specular reflectance.
Roughness measures the sub-pixel bumpiness of a surface and scatters the reflected light in different directions. A low roughness will bound all light uniformly, like a mirror. High roughness will diffuse the light rays.
Diffuse represents the color and amount of absorption of diffuse light. A material with a value of (1,1,1) will reflect all diffuse light and (0,0,0) will absorb all diffuse light. Neither of these values extreme exist on earth.
Its not about closeness to a material, it is about the angle of the view relative to the light, and the size and shape of the specular lobe. You might not think it is realistic, but perhaps that is because a single block of semi-gloss wood sitting in an empty world with a singular light source is not a realistic environment condusive to attractive lighting.
Your claim implies that every artist who uses UE is somehow wrong about how light works, except you and one other guy.
The lighting is accurate. Lower the brightness of the light, or alter the material, learn how light works and stop trying to blame your lack of understanding on the engine.
If you don’t know any other way of doing this, then your help is not necessary here.
If you’re not interested in the correct answer, which has been provided multiple times by multiple people, of which there are no (physically accurate) alternatives, then you will never make any progress.
Change the lighting in your scene, or alter the material.
There is no magic setting that will stop this from happening and if there was, it would break the physically based nature of the material.
For example, you could use the angle between the camera and the surface (dot product) to alter the specular value using a lerp node in the material. But this would not be physically accurate, since real world objects specular value is constant.
Physically based rendering (PBR) means that surfaces approximate the way light behaves in the real world, as opposed to the way we intuitively think it should. Materials that adhere to PBR principles are more accurate and typically more natural looking than a shading workflow that relies fully on artist intuition to set parameters.
-UE Documentation
In other words, your intuition about how light works is wrong. Nothing to be embarrassed about, most game art was following incorrect intuition until fairly recently.
There are some links at the bottom of the doc to the actual science that drives UE and other PBR materials. Maybe read them and come back when you’re done if you still think it’s wrong.