Why is my navmesh offset?

For some odd reason whenever I press the play button my navmesh seems to move position. I have been having an issue getting my AI to move and when I ejected into spectator I saw that my navmesh was all displaced…sure enough moving the ai to the navmesh made it spring to life, but I have no clue why the navmesh is offset on play

when looking at the preview it is in the correct place and has no issues building


It’s a bug in Unreal. Delete the RecastNavMesh in your level and rebuild the navigation.


This took me WAY to long to figure out! Thanks a lot!!


Thank you very much. I spent the whole afternoon trying to find what was moving my meshes.

You saved my life! thank you!

I’m using UE 5.2 and apparently, this bug still happens. DmitriAzimov’s solution still works too! But, note: At first, I was confused and deleted my NavMesh Bounds Volume, and didn’t delete the associated RecastNavMesh. This did not fix it. That is, I had to also delete the automatically-generated object called RecastNavMesh-Default, and then the problem was fixed. Thanks again to @DmitriAzimov !

Life saver still happens in 5.4.4