Hello everyone.
Okay, so I’ve had a nice little play around with the engine, so far am impressed with it
Anyway, I have mainly doing random odd stuff to get myself familiar with the UI and what does what and I am slowly building confidence.
So, last week or the week before, I decided to muck around with building my own basic arena map to which in future I’d like to add in gameplay mechanics like guns and so on, anyway to the problem.
I tried doing a lighting rebuild to see what all my lighting looks like once rebuilt with production level to see if I like the look of all my directional and point lighting and to see where changes can be made or adjusted, anyway, the first time I decided to do it I got the box come up that I think says “Starting rebuild” or to something of that effect, but very quickly disappears, I get no error message, the box just opens and than very quickly closes.
I have tried started up Swarm agent manually and re-trying but same thing.
I have cleaned up the map a bit as there some extremely messy areas and bits that stuck under the map, so I thought if I cleaned that up it might fix it, but nope, still does the same thing, I then made up a test map and made it messy as I could to see if that would cause issues with it, so I did that, set the lighting to production level, and viola, it works.
So it is obviously a problem with the map, but I just cannot for the life of me figure it out, and any help would be great because at the moment, I have thrown in the towel and cannot think of what might be causing the problem
I am using version 4.3 if that helps.
Thanks in advanced for any help, it would be greatly appreciated.