The last picture that you linked requires that yo rebuild lighting.
I would start with this.
I see that you have two sided turned on in the details panel of your material. As well as two sided foliage so those are covered as far as troubleshooting goes.
If you are using world position offset, as I see you are to achieve the motion of the grass, then switch your lights to stationary or movable. This will allow for the dynamic lighting look you are trying to achieve.
If you painted this with foliage then under your foliage panel where you have your mesh added to that brush there are options for density and other parameters.
Scroll down to Instance settings and make sure that you have cast shadow enabled.
If you are still experiencing this issue after these troubleshoots then please post again.
I missed your reply. Sorry about that. Its been a while since I asked this that even I forgot about it.
I am still having this issue.
I went back and checked my settings and I have:
2 sided geo on
Light is set to movable because of my day and night cycle
I have force no precomupted lighting on and I’m using a light propagation volume so no need to rebuild lighting.
I’m not sure why it says I do in the screen shot but it looks the same either way.
I think the issue is with my mesh and its normals. I’ve given up on grass for a while and focused on other things. When I revisit grass and figure all of this out I’ll make sure to come back and post it here.