Why does the screen go dark when my character looks at a darker spot on the map?

Why does the screen go dark when my character looks at a darker spot on the map? Example: I have a horror environment, the light is weaker… I can be next to the lamp, if I look at the wall in a dark spot, the screen goes dark, even if I look at the light, it takes a few seconds to lighten again… why does this happen?

This has to do with the Exposure values of your camera/post process volume.
By default, the exposure is set to be handled automatically in your player’s camera:
Camera->Lens->Exposure: MinBrightness

the default values for Min and Max brightness are 0.03 and 8.0, so whenever the screen becomes darker or brighter, the camera tries to compensate the exposure levels to remain within these set bounds.
To eliminate this behaviour, simply make sure that both your camera and post proccess volume (if using any) has both these parameters set to an identical value, ie 0.25.
This way, the exposure would remain the same regardless of the scene brightness.

After doing that, you might find yourself still wanting to have some degree of exposure, and controlling it’s timing.
As you said, “it takes a few seconds to lighten again…”, this can be controlled under the same exposure settings, via the parametrs SpeedUp and Speed Down.

Hope this helps.


what Datadisruptor said is your answer :smiley:

Thank you guys! This works fine!
Have a nice day!!! <3

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A question then, where do I find the settings for this Camera → Lens → Exposure part in UE5?


same problem

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Having this issue.

Character looks down, the the scene starts to turn black.

I’m in 5.3.

Hopefully someone can save me some time…

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hi,you can turn off auto exposure in project settings.


Hey, Bao,

But I WAAANNNTTT auto-exposure. I think what I’ll do is add another post-process that overrides the current effect in the area I have the issue.

Good to hear from you!

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