Why does streaming pool go to 0 when reducing texture quality?


For some reason when I reduce sr.texturequality slightly, the texture streaming pool 0’s out, causing all textures to get really blurry.

A screenshot might describe the problem correctly. Below is a screenshot which shows all the streaming stat metrics showing correctly.

When I reduce sr.TextureQuality to anything < 3 then the stats go to 0 (when it shouldn’t)

This is having an adverse effect where the texture get super blocky/blurry when I reduce the scalability settings from EPIC (sr.TextureQuality 3) to HIGH (sr.TextureQuality 2)

What could be causing this?

I know it’s been a long time. But has anyone managed to solve this problem? I get the same thing

Hello @SalutPromo and @krishcrush!

This is definitely weird. Setting your streaming pool to 0 is the same as setting it to an unlimited size, yet here it is being forcibly set- and clearly in this case 0 actually means 0 based on all the textures being blurry.

Looking at the engine scalability settings, there’s something here between Epic and High that caught my eye:

The “LimitPoolSizeToVRAM” is being turned on for the lower quality settings. This makes me wonder if your engine is having a hard time reading your machine’s VRAM usage, so it is defaulting to 0. Try changing this setting and see if it makes a difference.