First off, it looks great, but it is tricky to narrow down with what you have shown above. Let’s see if we can narrow it down a little bit. Can you post a screenshot of your red light’s point light settings (from the detail panel)? I want to try to reproduce this, but I want top match your settings as close as possible.
It looks like most of your lighting is actually specular. Try changing your light type to stationary, It will give you your bounce light as well as your specular.
You need to building lighting after you place these lights. You can have only 4 shadowed stationary lights overlapping at any point. If you want more stationary lights you can turn off shadows on the extra lights or they will cast fully dynamic shadows or something along that line.
That would lead me to believe that it is a setting associated with either the material or the mesh itself.
Have you tried recreating this issue with your materials, meshes in a new project, so literally just the meshes in the one area you have above?
I will probably need to see screenshots of the mesh properties, material setup and light detail panels or have access to your project to diagnosis further, but I am trying a few things to see if I can reproduce the issue.
Basically when I added reflection capsule with big radius I can see my lights - that seems to resolve the problem. I will work with reflecion capsules more to have better understanding of new lighting.
As for the meshes - the only thing that is not default is reimport scale - it’s set to 10 becaues of Unity Store assets and I don’t have max installed here.
When I put other materials - the problem is the same.
BUT you can resolve this - reflection capsule is the clue here.
I’m late to the party & don’t know if you found a fix OP but I ran into this same issue. For me I was using a spotlight set to ‘Static’ but the light would not render after I built. The object that the light was focused on was set to ‘Movable’ and only after I set the object to ‘Static’ did the light render.
Encountering the same issue. Point lights will not render properly as Static, but do render properly as Stationary or Movable. The problem is they have to be Static for mobile (iOS) deployment. Bit of a head scratcher.
Its weird but I have a few point lights and they were all stationary. After the build some would stop working. I set those to Movable and that seems to work.
yes i have the same issue, light building removes all light shapes from my walls. after building i have the move my lights again to make the light shape of the ies light show
I’m finding in my own scene that I have to toggle my stationary lights to static after a light bake in order for them to actually behave like a stationary light. If I do another bake I will again switch the same lights from static to stationary to get them to behave like I’d expect. Seems like a bug anyone know if it is?