I have a small house that i bake, with high settings of lightmass.
The shadows however are lowres, but the house has a lightmap resolution of 4096 which is extremely high.
Why do i need such a high resolution to gain just slightly better results!?
Note that the house is lifesize, so and at a scale of 1.
Interior wall with pointlight.
House scene.
Also can someone point me in the right direction of how to setup reflection probes for interior and exterior, i’m just placing them randomly now…
Lightmap resolution is not like if I set a high number then it’s fine!
Just try to set a 4096 checker material to your house and see how sharp the texture is going to be! Well that’s your texel!!
Since you can’t go higher than that (4096): you’ll need to break up your mesh if you’ll need better shadow/lighting quality!
There are good explanations of reflection probes (just start on Unreal site!) if you would just do a search!
Thanks man!
I didn’t split up my mesh, because sometimes it can cause lighting bleeds.
This is a scene where the player will view the outside house, so I can’t place light block cubes (like the realistic rendering scene) to stop light bleeds from happening.
This is why I have this house made up out of one solid mesh (the walls, floor and ceiling that is), to stop light bleeds.
I had them before in this mesh, and I fixed it with the solution prior.
Any idea how to get rid of light bleeds, like get my floors deeper inside my wall?
My walls are already 20cm thick, wich is the default thickness for walls in general.
Also thanks for the link, though I read that several times but still can’t get a grasp on how to place probes properly. I guess it’s just a learning thing I have to get through.
You can keep you walls as you like (separate!!) and all you have to do is keep the visible faces in your lightmap (nicely snapped to grid/pixel). You’ll have better control of your lightmap resolution! …haven’t experienced light bleeds in… a year!!
Reflection probes… have a test scene with almost fully reflective materials. Then you can play around with your probes and see what they do… they kind of really obvious… you set their “treshold” what area they should get samples and project…
Thanks for the info.
I just realized that I had my window frames in the mesh aswell, which also might have made my other islands smaller in comparison. Due to me using flatten mapping in 3ds max for the uv lightmaps.
So maybe removing the frames and doors, will fix the issue somewhat. meaning i won’t have to spend some hours snapping the island on grid XD
I’ll take your tip and do some tests with the reflections!