Why does light pass through an object?

Hi! Why does light pass through an object? This will be fixed if you enlarge the object, but is there another way?

Hello, I have almost the same problem. You can try putting an Unlit Plane (or Unlit Cube) in the wall to block the light :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been noticing this issue since 5.2… (now in 5.3 is less accute but happens too). The worse part is it is very hard to understand when and why happens… sometimes happens and sometimes not. Sometimes I just remove one light and it gets fixed. Trying to block it doesn’t work for me so I ended up creating many streaming levels for a cinematic where I have lights coming from one room to another…
This is a serious bug I’m surprised no more people is reporting

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I tried to do this, but the cube behind the wall is also so small that it allows light to pass through

Ok sorry it didn’t work. You can also try to reduce the shadow bias of your lights.

…And another migrated project where I find the issue, in this case the directional light is piercing through the walls.