Why does dynamic light go thru walls in Unreal Engine 5

I am using a dynamic light to simulate a torch in my top down game, wich is the main mechanic of my game, but when I started to create a different test zones from the one UE5 gives you, I saw that the light of my torch goes thru walls, and it seems there is no solution on forums or tutorials.

I’m using a spotlight and a point light as a torch, and they have the default setting except for intensity or radius.

I just do not have the experience to know how to not render the light thru walls.

As an example

If you have read all of this and don’t have the answer thank you for your time

Could be multiple things with either your light or the geometry.

Off hand a few things I would check is: is the level built, does the geometry have collision and flagged to cast shadows, is the light flagged to cast shadows?

Also is the level made of static meshes or is that the in-editor CSG brushes? The brushes don’t handle light correctly afaik…

All the walls that I am using are the default UE5 cubes, only resized
I changed some of the booleans, but got the same result.

These are the values of rendering of the object (specifically the lighting)

The cast shadow setting is on

Hope we can find this out

Hi, have you found the solution?

It looks to me like their light source is inside the mesh, which is why it isn’t drawing a shadow. Most meshes use one sided materials and by default, their insides won’t (and shouldn’t) cast shadows. Make sure your lights aren’t inside geometry.