Why do "small" emissive objects not produce light in the scene?

I’m new to lighting and was wondering if someone could explain this behavior and if there are ways to adjust it. I basically have this symbol that I want to glow, but it doesn’t effect the surroundings. I compared it to a sphere (basic, from engine) and noticed a trend around the sizes of these objects.

With the sphere’s scale set to 0.5 (all axes), and the sigil set to 1 (all axes), neither would produce any [significant] light. Both had “Emissive Light Source” activated in the settings of the meshes.

Increasing the scale of the sphere to greater than 0.8 (all axes) would cause the sphere to light the surroundings to the point that it suitably lights the room.

My symbol can accomplish this when it achieves a certain sizes: greater than 1.7 scale on the z axis (other two are 1), greater than 21 on the y axis (other two are 1), and greater than 2.5 on the x axis (other two are one).

Changing the size of the symbol doesn’t really work for my application, it would no longer fit where its suppose to go. I was a bit surprised that size would be a problem, the symbol isn’t even that small (46 x 5 x 78), its just under half the character’s height.

There is currently no post processing volume, I tried to add one and tinker around with it but could not change the results. I have not gotten to fully lighting a scene yet, this symbol is just part of another prop. Does someone know what is going on with this size interaction and if there is a way to adjust it?

Make sure they have distance fields enabled and check what’s going on in the lumen scene view. Might need to increase the distance field resolution for that mesh.

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Distance fields are on (enabled globally), lumen view just shows complete darkness in that room. There are no light sources inside other than the two emissive meshes. Lumen view looks fine outside / in other parts of the level. The mesh distance fields visualization can be found below. I turned up the “Distance Field Resolution Scale” on the symbol from 1 to 50 (under Build Settings), but overserved no effect. I built the lighting just to see if that was a issue but that had no effect as well.