Why do materials not support Specular maps?

Just that. I’m curious. Is this because in reality there is no colored specular and all colors are derived from albedo ? Or is it just do simplify system, so creating spec maps would be easier ?

Hi Lukasz,

The short answer to your question is that non-metal surfaces do not have colored specular while metallic surfaces do. With UE4 we’ve decided to pursue a physically based renderer in order to make it easier to create materials that look physically plausible and are reusable in many lighting situations.

Please check out the Physically-Based Shading and Materials section of the UE4 documentation for more information on what the material attributes are and why they were chosen.

Well I like to know the technical answer as well. Since the beginning of 3D-rendering specular lighting has been there and now with the most advanced render engine ever it is not?

I would guess, that all lighting is now done by making a reflection map, where every light source is just a (HDR) pixel in the reflection map, making the cost of many lights scale almost equally as just a single light. Then specular is no longer done in a second-renderpass, so making it impossible to do translucent and specular color in the main-render-pass. Is it something like that?

In the mean time, if you need specular lights, check out the trick I’ve made for this:


This is a question from the beta version of the engine. We are marking this answered for tracking purposes. If you are experiencing an issue similar to this please post a new question.

Thank you.