Why didn't you buy it?

I’m looking for feedback why users didn’t purchase an item on the marketplace. I know that not everyone needs a specific item that is on the marketplace, but I wanted to get some feedback why you may have looked at it and not purchased.

The asset in question are my Destructible Road Signs. They were released May 20th and I received my invoice for 5/1 - 5/31 today. I am quite underwhelmed by the units sold (15 units after approximately 30+ hours invested in the creation) compared to my Spline-Enabled Fence Pack and Wooden Storage Pack. Those two are still selling well and were incredibly well received (4.5+ star rating). As you can see I price my assets very indie friendly so even people who want to learn the blueprints can have a low price point of entry. What do I need to improve or change to better garner your attention and/or confidence?

Thank you in advance.

I’ve seen it on the Marketplace. The simple reason I didnt buy it is that I dont need it. I think its good quality and very friendly priced!! I hope this wont encourage you to raise prices on other items. My rule as a hobbiest is: if its for sale on the marketplace and I need AND its below 25 EURO I buy it.

So, I dont think something is wrong with the package. Its more that people dont need it I guess… Its bad luck??

they are very nice, and very nicely priced. Personally no use in my current genre, But i would definitely buy them all if I was making something more modern.

The quality of that pack is great and you get a lot of bang for the buck. The only reason I haven’t bought it is the same reason I haven’t bought any other art assets. We don’t want to use art or music that will be used in other games, we’d rather make it ourselves to ensure the game has it’s own assets. But if I was in need of assets like that and didn’t mind using stuff that others will use as well, I would definitely buy it. I think the reason for few sales is simply because there might not be a lot of need for these kinds of assets currently, not because of the pack itself.

Pack’s nice, a little bit niche if you ask.

A lot of users here experiment on natural or rural kind of settings, and road signs have no place in a fantasy or medieval themed world.

I’m happy to hear so far it is more of a “I don’t need.” than a “I think it sucks.”

I figured the modern shooter would be pretty wide reaching (as it usually is) and it would be something people need.

I appreciate your guys’ input.

If you released on May 20th, you only had a 1/3 of the month to sale. Maybe June will be better? May was pretty bad for me too. Disappointing since the last couple of months (especially March) were good.

Your signs are too clean. In a real world, the road signs are corroding all the time. So even I’m looking road signs to my horror town, I won’t buy this pack for that simple reason. Not even new road signs are so clean and artificial looking as yours are. Maybe you should ask what people want, not make what you want and then cry why people are not buying your pack.

I was informed of my June sales and they are nearly the same (+/- 3).

I’m not crying, just asking. Where I am from, Wisconsin, road signs are incredibly pristine. Road signs are incredibly rust resistant which was my inspiration. I think people have an unfair perception that road signs rust. I appreciate the input however and I think a more dirty/rusty look would be desired for some.

We have some of the roughest winters I have ever experienced and our signs look nothing like that. It definitely varies by geographic location and I should definitely consider a more “rustic” look from this feedback.

I saw it. Have previously picked up your fence pack which was excellent. I just have absolutely no use now or in any foreseeable future to use destructible road signs. It is a far more niche item than boxes to fill your level or a time saver spline.

I appreciate that feedback and I’m glad to hear you are satisfied with your other purchases. I’m slowly but surely realizing it is a bit more niche than I initially suspected.

Yeah, unfortunately now it’s the “era” of foliage. I really don’t get what all the fuss is about, every game is starting to look like an effin english countryside or a jungle.
But I don’t even make games with unreal so I should shut up :slight_smile:

Sorry for asking a dumb question , but isn’t 15 considered good sale ? where I come from , that is still a lot of money and 25% of my salary. Anyway , my first pack will release soon then I can see for myself.

well depends on your average income rate.
150$ is a small fraction of income in western countries (US, UK), hardly compensating the effort. Maybe in the long run, but it’s always a gamble.

Bro I am ltierally goign to buy it I just am waiting to recieve my paycheck tbh lol Been eyeing them for a couple weeks.

I didnt say 15$ , I said his income with 15 items sold = 15 * 9.99$ :smiley:

Wait nevermind I actually bought your pack lol. I think there great.

It’s a cool pack, but honestly I’d rather make whatever I can from scratch for originality. Good luck to you! :slight_smile:

Doesn’t exactly fit my idea of a medieval themed fantasy RPG :cool: