I don’t know how else to express my issue aside from posting examples. I haven’t previously encountered this issue and now its a persistent issue in my levels. When I build lighting a lot of the static meshes have what I can only describe as a shadow boarder around the edges. I’ve played around with lighting trying to fix this however I can’t consistently fix this. I use modular components for my levels which hasn’t been an issue before now. I put simple materials on all objects to highlight this issue and am building lighting on production quality (although it appears on all levels of quality) Even when putting other static meshes behind my walls to try to prevent light leak this issue still persists. If anyone knows what’s going on and can offer a solution I would greatly appreciate it.
My first guess is that your lighmap resolutions are way too low!
Are you using portals in your openings?
Is lightmap compression on?
…I’d also guess your lightmass settings are “low” too, but I don’t know what quality you’re trying to achieve…