Why are my Path Tracing renders blurry while my Path Tracing screenshots are clear?

Hi there! I’m finishing up a project and creating a final still image. I’m rendering with the Movie Render Que and using Path Tracing. My settings is based on the Still_Ultra preset and modified it a bit. But when I render with the settings below, the final image is noticeably blurry and lots of the details are lost, specifically the weathering texture on the spaceship, when compared to a screenshot when using the Path Tracing lighting in the viewport. I prefer the results in my screenshot but I want to render at a resolution much higher than my viewport and I like to output as an exr.

I think this blurring might be an issue with the anti-aliasing settings but I’ve only seen modest improvement to the clarity after increasing the Spatial Sample Count to 512 and reducing the Temporal Sample Count to 1. And when I set Spatial to 1 and Temporal to a much higher number, the result is very blurry.

Does anyone have experience rendering Path Tracing with crisp and clear results? Any help is much appreciated!




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I’ve done some more testing and setting the spatial and temporal samples to 64 gives good, clear results. I also checked Reference Motion Blur in the Path Tracer settings, which I think improved the clarity. This all works great at 1080p resolution, which takes about 5 minutes to render my shot, but when I boost the resolution up to 4k, the same render needed 3 hours to complete!! Not sure if this is a bug or if this massively exponential increase in time makes sense…


Yes, 64 by 64 is sharper than 16 samples, but I got results which are not as close as they are on Deffered render. I got almost 1:1 result while using Path Tracer with Sharpness material as PP in the camera render feature section. I’ve used this one Sharpness material

Are you using the HQ ‘tiling’ rendering? That was blurriying the images sometimes. You need to change the tiles count and make some test until you find the sweet spot.

Poncho, I’m having the same problem, Path Tracer looks great in viewport render but when i use the movie renderer it comes out low detail and blurry looking, even if I set anti-aliasing to 32/32 or 256/256 takes forever but same result.

However if i go into path tracer settings in the movie render que and check Disable Multisample Effects the render works correctly but now i lose my depth of field from camera. But if i render in viewport render looks great with depth of field.

Can someone help with this, Poncho, did you figure this out yet?
My scene is in 5.2 but also tested it in 5.3 with same issue.


Hello, may I ask how to use Sharpness material.

Just tested this on 5.3.1 and noticed the same issue with path tracing.
Image is a blurry mess with MRQ but looks great with HighResShot (same total samples, same resolution, denoiser off). DoF and motion blur are off.
Clearly HighResShot is not usable for animations (legacy movie render also seems to work fine, but is just a mess to use with the path tracer).
Disabling multisample effects in MRQ helps quite a bit, but has unintended consequences. I will try the Sharpness material workaround, but should this be reported as a bug?

As a side note: using less than 2 temporal samples breaks the light setup making the scene much darker and going all in with spatial samples crashes UE for memory usage (i.e. 8k samples in high res shot works, 1024 spatial x 8 temporal in MRQ works but 8192 spatial x 1 temporal in MRQ leads to a crash).

@ loveulb to use the Sharpness material, create a new material, pick PostProcess as domain, copy the nodes above and add it in the camera you are using in the sequencer (in PostProcess materials).


Thanks for the advice in this this posting - I was having similar blurry image issues and it looked like I was creathing the renders with midjourney!

But I managed to get an a decent result by changing the settings below:

  • Anti-Aliasing spa and temp both set to: 64.
  • Turned off ‘denoiser’ in the ‘path tracer’ section of the post process volume.
  • Disabled Multi-sample effects in the path tracer MRQ settings.
  • Turned on reference motion blur in MRQ settings.

I lost depth of field effect, but added in back in davinci resolve.
I also added some sharpening in resolve (along with some other colour correction), but will look at the PP material as well.

Thanks, this was super helpful.

I had the same result, but actually got the DOF effect back in rendering by turning on reference DOF in the PPV!

Hope that helps