Why are my Normals incorrect for my character after import?

I have a problem when importing asset from blender FBX.

I see edges along the mesh while i don’t see those in blender.

I tried all three import options while importing the asset, “calculate normals”, “import normals”, and “import normals and tangents.” However, none of them result in smooth faces.

What are my options to correct this?

Thanks in advance,

Hi ,

Can you post a screenshot of your UV’s so we can have a look? Thank you!

Do you get this when you put a plain (V3) material on the mesh? If that looks ok then it may be a material issue. If it does still occur and you feel comfortable with it we are willing to look at your .uasset to see what may be going on. Thank you!


Here is UV:


Thanks for quick replies. I just reimported the asset. While no materials attached, I still see the problem. http://d.pr/i/HvrC

Asset file is here: http://d.pr/f/r5aQ

Hi ,

I checked into this and it appears that blender does not export smoothing groups with .fbx files, which is why it imports differently into the engine.

I found the following post helpful.

So, I ended up purchasing Maya LT to solve this problem ($30 per month on Steam).

Just updating the discussion. I recently tried blender again. Face smoothing works just fine now.

Hi ,

I’m happy to hear that this is working for you now.