Why am I only returning the Default Physical Material under my wheels?

I’ve set a test level with two small landscapes. Each landscape has a different material set to it’s Landscape Material. Each of those materials have a different Physical Material set in them. I have a function set up to print the name of the Physical Material that my vehicle is on every tick. It ALWAYS returns the Default Physical Material. Now IF I directly set the Default Physical Material in the landscape, it works and my vehicle’s friction responds accordingly. However, if I have a single landscape with multiple materials on it, I can’t depend on the Default Physical Material…how can I fix this?

This is true, but, this doesn’t help the vehicle change its friction if the VehicleMovementComponent isn’t registering the correct Physical Material. Do you have any insight on that? Cause that’s the REAL problem, is getting the vehicle to respond correctly (sorry, should have been more specific)

you can fix it using the materials physical material. you can trace for the material you are on and then get its physical material.

what i meant is that way you can change your landscape physical mat, to match the one you want.
it might be a workaround i guess

and 1 more question . did you used landscape layers?
if yes, double clicks your layerinfos in the content browser and assigne them a physical mat.

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yeah definitly !
check this : Landscape Materials | Unreal Engine Documentation
and this :
you can download a free mat here :Grass Landscape Material Vol. I in Materials - UE Marketplace

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I didn’t use layers, but it sounds like that may be what I need! I’ll have to figure out how to do that!

This is awesome! Thanks! Once I have a chance to test it out, I’ll come back and accept your answer, and add a comment to sum up the process for anyone in the future! Thanks!