Why all the hate for Hatred?

but they are just doing the exact same thing as games like manhunt, there were people ok with manhunt and others that weren’t but I don’t really see how doing the same thing that’s happened many times in the past that didn’t change anything and people forgot about is important, at least those games were entertaining to play, hatred looks like one of the most boring games I’ve seen so far, I also have no idea why so many people want to play it, I just did some checking and it’s one of the most wanted games for no apparent reason other the fact you shoot innocent people that aren’t even real, I mean it is just a game.

that happens every time a so called controversial game is announced.

fact checking about what?

to be honest I had completely forgotten this game even existed till you bumped the thread:p, I don’t tend to remember games that look so boring:)

Well we live in dramatically different times when Manhunt was released. As for fact checking it’s getting harder to spot the flaws now since a news “report” is modified multiple times throughout a week but as I stated it doesn’t matter if what they write is correct or incorrect. You clicked the clickbait.

These people represent you. They have enough power to pat your back and magically make you successful and they have the power to strike you down if you contain anything that may offend their current mood. They also have a heavy influence on just about every successful company. It’s corruption at it’s finest. And if some polish team’s childish rage game opens a few eyes it’s doing significantly more for video game history what you see in our WIP/Release section.

Perhaps you do not concern yourself with these events and thus they have no effect on you. For me making video games has been my life long dream. It hurts to see it grow from a unrespected fad to the number one grossing media in the history of time itself. It hurts because anyone who has written a blog in their spare time can represent the most profitable industry ever invented, and with that comes corruption. Corruption that primarily targets us.

I wonder how this will game will affect the industry as a whole?
It won’t be to bad if stupid parents wise up and don’t let their kids play it. Those games say 17+ for a reason! (Though this one might a A rating at the rate it is going.)

in some ways yes in other ways no, the old saying “the more things change the more they stay the same” springs to mind.

yeah but the real problem for me with that is people putting too much value in what others think/say whether it be in blogs/the news or anything else, people should just make their own mind up.

true but when there is lots of bad press it can make a game even more successful if they patted you on the back.

we have that dream in common(and if my new ever gets her I can try to make it a reality;)) but I don’t concern myself with these events because I make my own mind up about stuff and things like peer pressure or the presses opinions simply don’t effect what I think, I don’t allow myself to be influenced/manipulated/biased or corrupted by other peoples thoughts about anything and I never will, it’s just the way I am.

I completely respect that. All and all I guess we can agree to disagree on the rest.

i really want more from “calm time” i played that long time ago, too bad it was that short.

So much this.

I’ve only seen one video of the game and it didn’t really interest me, but I’ll buy it if I see too many articles about how it should be banned or something (even if that’s what the developers are relying on).

I don’t care about context or how awful something is, if someone wants to make a game about it and sell it let them do it.

I’m okay with them selling it. But morally… I just think this game sucks. But that’s my personal opinion. Everyone has there own.
Game companies will always try to push the barrier. But how much more before they push the barrier and themselves off a cliff?
But I should add one thing. Manhunt had a story. Doom had a story. This… Is violence for violences sake. Not fun, just gross. If they actually had a real story as to why he is doing this. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. (looks like a Postal 1 ripoff anyway.)

tried, nothing special and it is like gta that has only killing focused. Too bad that people cannot be disabled and only to collapse houses because physics itself is fun. Is there already some other ue4 game with extreme physics?

Its just another excuse for why people go into schools and kill people. Next time it happens I bet the news will report that the killers had this trailer/game in the internet cache. GTA has made its name from killing innocents. Yes its not the aim and you don’t have too but I bet every player has dragged somebody out of a car and run them over and laughed at it. How many times do people playing GTA drive down the path for the fun of it? Ultimately its a game and people need to understand that. The problem is not games its people. I cant say I went out over the weekend and killed many people with my sword after a Game of thrones session or that I tortured a family in a house after watching the shining on its anniversary. Cant say after all the news reports and videos of actual shootings and beheadings I feel the need to go out on a rampage. I’ve playing games since the days of the Atari 2600. I’ve been exposed to the dark side of the evil devils armpit that is the games industry. If anything made me tip over the edge and go postal it wouldn’t be any of the above, more likely the flashing broken light or the crappy aircon in the office.

I don’t usually worry if adults or older teens play “dark” games. Really only kids. When I play COD I only hear prepubescent boys yelling profanities through the speech. Those are the people I am worried about.

I agree. Parents blame the companies for the software. I’ve seen so many parents buying 18 cert games for kids. They wouldnt buy a porn for a 12 year old but they would buy witcher 3 or GTA V.

You would be supprised what some parents buy for there kids. But yeah, parents really need to pay attention to what there kids are playing. Remember all those recent shooting in the U.S.? They went on a anti-gun, anti-video game crusade. But did not try to actually solve the problem.

I lol at anything that makes PC prudes go ballistic. Whether you like this game or not, you’ve got to admit the marketing was genius, because everyone was talking about it. While all the other indie devs remain unnoticed and penniless, these guys were putting food on the table. There is no such thing as bad publicity. :slight_smile:

If the gory content is indeed the marketing intention, I would say it is not genius… it is exploitation of sensitivities which had happened in Columbine etc…

well for what its worth political correctness has been the major cause of reduction in racism. It is easily the single most impact on racism the only issue is it has gone so far that free speech is now at risk. But what would we have, true free speech back and 0 political correctness but rampant racism? Well may be ok to some people but trust me I won’t be ok with that.

I rather stomach political correctness than racism. Sorry thats just me.

Yet you are here in this thread promoting their game for them and who is talking about you and your game? No one right? So the results speak for themselves. You will understand the value of marketing when you release your own games.

I will say no more on this topic. I learned long ago that playing armchair generals on the internet, is a waste of time. Peace. :slight_smile:

OK, I wasn’t going get involved in this but since some of you are insisting on being all for censorship and actively mentioning Columbine I have to interject!

People need to stop treating forms of media as a scapegoat for the horrors, stupidity and inhumane actions of some individuals. Blaming games, music for things that happened just because the individuals involved in certain horrors, have some sort of contact with these forms of media is just asinine.

People need to stop this, because it doesn’t help anyone it only adds to the problem. Nobody and I mean nobody, decides to do a crime because they saw it on some Show, saw it in a Movie, heard it in a Song, or played it in a Game. People do bad **** all the time, nobody tells them to do it, they just do, unfortunately its part of life, can’t have the good without the bad. Any idiot saying that this is caused by the media that these persons are involved in, shouldn’t because it simply isn’t true, and in fact that person saying this, does so out of ignorance.

Everyone in this post, has had bad **** happened to them, everyone has played a rated 18 game, everyone has heard a rock or country song( yes some country songs are worst than some rock songs) at some point or another, or seen a rated 18 film. No one here wants to do anything horrific, I’m sure all of us have thought about it as some time or another, but you just don’t. Why? because you can distinguish between right and wrong. People that do horrific things do not have that moral compass or at some point in there lives, that compass tips a little and they loose focus of what is good and bad. And it is not directly influenced in any shape or form in what they have seen heard or played or read in a book, the night, the day,week,month or year before.

The correct way to deal with these situations is to try to stop having them happen from the get go, how? Well, have some parents actively involved in there children’s lives will be a good start, have people be more polite to each other, this could be as simple as an acknowledgement of existence by a passer by, stop bullying(in schools and in the workplace), and stop trying to step all over one other for personal or financial gain.
And stop following asinine people who have nothing to give to the table and simple shut the f*** up if they have nothing constructive to say or do.

Bit of a rant, I apologise, but censorship is something that I do not believe in, and strongly advise anyone reading this against, its wrong on so many levels. They are restrictions in place for people/ kids who shouldn’t have access to certain things, and at the end of the day, whatever it is ( film, show, song, game, book) its just a story for gods sake! we have always told story’s since before we could talk! Its entertainment, it doesn’t influence what you do or say or act, well it shouldn’t.


“Be excellent to each other!” Bill and Ted.

You took the words from my mouth :slight_smile:

I played it, and i do not like it.
Not funny enough for me, to kill some innocent, without a deeper sense/target.
Only rage and gore, is not enough to make a good game for me, i miss the fun.
Simple gamedesign to create some teenpsychos.
The game is for ages 18+, but look into GTAV lobbys, where all the schoolkids are raging.
I would for sure not like, that my kids would play that trash.
In the postal game series was much gore too, but it had always a fun component for me, when you let cats rain onto innocent ppl.
Internet connects all the bad parented with ease.