Why all the hate for Hatred?

Like this guy said, Whats with all the double standards?

it’s the slightest of differences, because it’s one game that allows you to kill innocents if you so wish it vs. one that is specifically about doing that.
it’s all about the greater purpose, or the lack of it. at least that’s what the people’s conscience seems to be telling them. to me it makes no difference

Alternative 1: Player can “kill” a bunch of polygons
Alternative 2: Player can “kill” a bunch of polygons

Game Design could have been from a kid who’s in his “rage-phase”… I don’t like this game.

Very very good ideas, I hope they are listening

Great way to get games industry a bad name and more restrictive rules… for the sake of a shock marketing excersise on a mediocre game.

Hi !

I agree it’s shock marketing, but how do you know it’s a mediocre game?

It is a game about shooting with guns. What could be more mediocre than that?!

Visually great, but “gameplay” wise it looks boring. It is not my type of game, I didn’t like Postal either.

Do you remember Carmageddon? In that game you literally kill hundreds of “innocent people” and get massive rewards for it. After years we can certainly measure its effect on the gamers’ psyche and it’s irrelevant. By now it doesn’t matter if you shoot “innocent people” or aliens, it’s all the same thing, a game.

If I were in the game’s team I would have used the same strategy to be honest, because it works, but if the game isn’t polished it will fail, that’s how it is.

As an opinion being hated is a badge of honor as at the very least it says your doing something right. :wink:

I am absolutely thrilled that Hatred is being developed. Now whenever I feel like self censoring myself over an emotional scene I can think about Hatred and laugh at the ridiculous comparison.

Personally I find this game disgusting. I personally the devs are try to pull a rockstar game. The first gta was very lackluster. But man! Did the press go after it!
The devs just want attention. (And to ruin that Johnny Cash song! How horrible!)

The (former) developers of Prey 2 know how to use a Johnny Cash song the right way.

Hatred is interesting in the fact that I don’t find the game as insulting as the developers.
The fact that the developers have acted all high-and-mighty about their skills and belittling story-based games sickens me.

Who do they think they are?!
I don’t get it!

They publicly act as if they are superior to everyone, for what reason?
Attention, I’m sure.

Congratulations everyone we are slowly being introduced to the new generation of games.
Say goodbye to games that tell an emotional, humanizing story about a man’s life gone awry.
No more of those. Now we’ll just get a shooter about killing people because we want to be “cool.”

I also hate when people state that “you kill people in other games!”
It is all about context.
Military and Police will, at times, need to act.
Does that mean I, as a game designer, can shoot people because someone in another job can?
Why? Because they are protecting people! They have a reason!

I mean, even Call of Duty has more substance than Hatred just because the protagonists of Call of Duty games are at least fighting for something!

Why couldn’t the developers create an emotional action-adventure about a man’s life falling apart?
I may actual care to play that, but nope they decided to create a Virtual Murder Simulator.

Mark my words, it will be the first of many.

(If you are in defense of this game, feel free to argue my statement, just keep it civil).


I cannot begin to describe the smile that plasters over my face when I see Hatred and realize that the world hasn’t gone down the politically correct / tumblr SJW ******** just yet. That, combined with the inane complaints from overly sensitive people gives me hope that creativity in games will endure the current onslaught of professional victimhood and forced gender politics.

awwww man, MrScratch why did you have to resurrect this suckfest of a thread?, I was hoping to never see it again:(

-Audience claps- You sir have nailed it! All the things you said are so true! Now audience, give him another round of applause! -audience claps even louder-

It was a simple INTO_YOUR_FACE advertisement stunt that was powered by current trend of exaggerating any controversy and nothing more.
Visuals are good, game itself however is shallow and boring - I’m pretty sure it will be forgotten soon.
Same situation was with Manhunt and early GTA, but games were good and after “WE HATE THIS %^!” phase people actually liked it due to great gameplay and nice story(manhunt, not early GTA :D).
It’s not the case for Hatred, they actually forgot to add to their game anything else other than marketing and nice visuals

Thank you, thank you. You’re too kind!

I actually woke up this morning with this discussion still on my mind so I figured I’d do an encore.

A short time ago, a small independent game came about that dealt with the killing of innocents.
The protagonist invited people to a party and one of the guests asks for a knife to help cut stuff.
When the player gets the knife the game tells the player to “Press the Left Mouse Button to Give” which results in the guest being stabbed to death.
The player’s objective is to go around killing EVERYONE.

This game, however, has something Hatred does not…a story.
In the basement of the house is a chained up, mutilated young woman.
She frequently appears as an apparition throughout the game as well.

See this game isn’t about the KILLING it’s about a look into the mind of a psychopath and what he sees.
One can argue that he feels he is helping as he isn’t killing anyone, he’s just “giving them the knife.”

Hatred on the other hand is solely about the action, not the emotional part of such things.

If anyone wants to play the indie game to see exactly what I mean, the name of it is Calm Time.
However, it can get pretty gruesome so be warned.


You bring up a really good point.

Had this game actually had an emotional storyline, it could potentially be interesting.
However, when the character’s motivations are “I hate everyone! The world is mean!” it’s more childish and immature than emotional.


Because they are doing something important in an extremely obnoxious way.

Right now this game has inadvertently (or purposely?) put the spotlight on gaming journalism. It’s proven multiple times across many different outlets that there is little to no fact checking going with our billion doller industries media outlet as well as showing the power that these unprofessional journalists have over senor members of big name companies. Now i’m not going to go out and start linking specific articles that outright prove what I am talking about but if you have been following our media’s coverage of this game you know exactly what I am talking about. Not to mention most of it is just clickbait anyways…