Ok I watched the trailer for the upcoming Hatred, and to be honest, its really nothing new. We have seen similar violence in other video games, so why all the fuss? This has been coming for quite some time now. I guarantee you there are people out there right now, working on games that will make this one look tame in comparison. But in the meantime, let’s all bow to corporate pressure and keep this game as underground as possible. However, I do agree that using the U4 logo was a stupid move that put Epic in a tight spot. I don’t blame Epic for distancing itself from the game, but that doesn’t mean that we have to. Don’t let other people tell you what you should and shouldn’t play.
Because we live in world of political correctness where everyone is trying to being nice.
And what I mean is… when someone is throwing **** in your face you should thank them and try to understand why they are doing so, instead of kick their ***.
Game will be successful, because the loudest haters are internet white knights. Which means, the game must be good and worth checking. Even if the only reason will be to go against current seeming mainstream.
I mean it’s all ■■■■■■■■. When I was 8 i played Carmaggedon, Blood, Soldier of Fortune (this I might have been older). Postal.
Yet I don’t go out streets and kill people with chainsaw.
What’s unique about this current crusade, is that it’s not some clueless senator on a rampage, but the game media outlets themselves that are throwing game culture under the bus, and apparently laughing as they do it. It’s quite fascinating to see them actively trying to dig their own graves by betraying their main audience. Not sure I have ever seen anything like it before, in any other culture.
To be clear, I fully understand EPIC’s stance, but there’s really nothing new here. Just the same old story with a new twist.
The problem is not the violence, but the objetive and the tone of the game. The player it is a mass murder and kill inocent people is the core of the game, the player is rewarding fo do it, and they are not regreat, soo for my it is very disgusting.
It’s certainly not very charming at all, and I’m not personally interested in playing it, but I’m sure different people have different tastes.
Aren’t all the soldiers, mercenaries and heroes in every game actually mass murders?
However, there is an old game that taked the mass murdering of innocent people to a all new level, and in fact it was so successful that many several sequels followed: Simcity. The only difference is that you don’t watch your victims dying.
Heroes kill enemies who are trying to kill you, difference!
Let’s keep politics out of the forum, please!
That’s irrelevant: murder is murder. I can’t say more because I do not want to enter in a political discussion.
If cat kills mouse, mouse think cat is evil. But from perspective of guy, who had mouse eating crops, cat is good.
Good and evil are perfectly relative terms, which are objective to person.
Majority don’t think killing is evil because taking life if evil. Killing is evil, because in long term it’s bad for business (survival of species).
But that is purely philosophical discussion. And if anyone treats this game seriously… you have a problem. Not game.
It’s Postal without any satire, humour or taste. This game is made by adults that never grew past their teenage power fantasies, just listen to that monologue in the trailer.
the developers of hatred have clearly only done it to create media hype and arguments as a marketing scheme witch is clearly working however I don’t think this forum is the place for these arguments and people should air there opinions elsewhere, if I was epic I would lock both these threads before they explode with arguments and end up like the comments on youtube and other places.
I’d agree with you on that one, the game itself is clearly designed to shock and create a media buzz. However I think their aim is probably to get themselves noticed and land a deal with a publisher or IP holder rather than to create this demo as an actual game. It just seems too distasteful to be a genuinely marketable product, or at least to be a worhtwhile one. I mean who’s going to buy it?
The gameplay viewing style reminded me of Syndicate and I’d definitley be interested in playing a game of this quality if it was built around good gameplay and a less distateful theme.
I expect they will quietly remove it from youtube soon, it’s job done, and pop up again with a ‘real’ project using similar gameplay but less grotesque content.
Thinking that a game affects how people behave and not thinking about a crappy educational system that doesn’t teach kids anything, Political corrupted govs and so on.
Not the game developers to blame here. I’m sure you all understand by the above whats wrong.
Good and evil is separate of who are you enemys, and in any society they are a social thickness line between kills enemys and kill innocent people. Event when is the same bad action.
Just out of curiosity, when is it OK to feature the UE4 logo in your promotional work? I was under the impression that it was frowned upon if you didn’t.
I could of complete misread her meaning as well, but I’m sure that I heard Dana talk on the livestream about using UE4’s marketing material as you see fit too. Again, could be wrong, but I thought that’s what it was for?
Starting at around 8:45 http://www.twitch.tv/unrealengine/b/576433672
Maybe he didn’t autopopulate the form and send it in? If he did would he of been OK?
I was curious about the same thing, The game looks great.
Yeah, I’m personally not interested in the premise or shelling out money for a murder simulator, but some of the animations, destructible environments, etc looked really good actually.
Hmmm…Very interesting theory. That sounds plausible.