these kind of games make me embarrassed to call myself a gamer, for the people calling the dev team marketing “geniuses”, i would call them sociopaths but i didn’t expect better from some polish Nazi sympathizers tbh
i watched the quick look and quite honestly can not understand how this got on top of the steam charts since nobody but prepubescent boys or degenerates could enjoy such a garbage game
and i don’t understand gamers always coming out defending movies, games etc. as not encouraging violence, since that is simply not true, we are not talking about messed up adults being influenced but boys and teenagers
as human beings we should be more responsible and considerate in our actions so any backlash this game is getting is not only needed but well deserved
This is very true and the reason the industries (Film, Game, music etc) add advisory labels to packaging. Its those people buying and selling to and for underage users that need educating.
i agree and i think anybody who makes games like these accessible to minors be it the guy at gamestop, online stores or parents need to be more severely punished
getting violent video games should not be easier than getting booze imho, society is going to **** not because of people getting more politically correct but rather because people are not taking any responsibilities for their actions anymore and letting other people (politcians, celebrities, police etc.) get away with worse IMHO
I would’ve love the game if they make it a complete parody of the 80s action movies like Commando, with the main character gravely voice arguing about:
The lost of his cat Fuffy
Grief because he cannot afford the latest iPhone
Anger because he’s not good at playing Call of Duty online like his 12 years old neighbour
Vengeance because they didn’t let him in inside the Cool-Club-where-the-cool-people-goes because he was wearing trainers
His Subway sandiwich being shorter the advertise 12inches
And so on…
That would made a pretty hilarious game…but they went for the all serious guy who wants to murder anyone, and I think that is the wrong approach…
It could’ve been another Blood Dragon, but that wasn’t in the dev plans.
Yes, has been done before, but if you make fun of what you’re doing and acknowledge that what you’re doing is completely idiotic you may enjoy yourself…this is just “Kill everyone because I’m angry this morning” which could be easily ignored…good game? kinda, good mechanics, good physics and good graphics, but overall forgetable
You’re not really killing demons to save humanity, you’re just trying to get vengeance for your dead bunny.
Seriously though, Hatred could have just been a idiotic game that doubled as fun, but instead it actually plays it self off as a serious game.
Actually it plays itself off as “THE serious game” as if Hatred is the only game worth playing.
Even though it’s a waste of time when compared to other games.
The devs rode the controversy train and got way higher sales than they ever would have had the press not lost their minds over the game. Pretty smart if you ask me. Don’t know where you’re getting Nazi sympathizers from but I’m not touching that anyway.
Thanks for letting us peasants know just how low we are for not subscribing to your clearly superior tastes, because how dare anyone find any form of enjoyment in something deemed “unsavoury” by those with their imagined high ground.
Time and time again—study after study—it has been shown there is no link between violent games and violence in the real world (same for sexism, for that matter), so why you’re worried about games corrupting the youth I can’t understand. As has been said before in this thread, if you can’t distinguish between fantasy and reality, you need professional help. An anecdotal piece of evidence: When I was young I played all sorts of violent and vulgar games (CoD, Conker’s Bad Furday, Wolfenstein, to name a few) and yet I’m not violent—quite the opposite actually, I try to avoid all forms of violence—or some horrible person. I knew video games were just that, games. I knew they weren’t real and that the things you did in them weren’t something you do in the real world. Kids aren’t complete sponges, they know the difference between make believe and real life.
Oh and, seeing as this game is rated AO, the responsibility is on the parents who buy M+ rated games for their kids, not everyone else.
For the mods, if any part of this post is seen as too confrontational I apologize and will understand if it’s removed (referring to the peasant bit), but I felt I needed to reply to this.
Nazis? Where did that come from? I don’t like this game at all. But why would you compare it to Nazis? At least they didn’t try to show off their controversy!
(But seriously, I do agree with you.)
You’re second paragraph is an Appeal to majority and an Appeal to force. With some Appeal to Motive. Plus a little bandwagon affect sprinkled on top. (Though agit’s post if full of it to. Also, can I say that there is some Universal Acceptance Syndrome in here?)
You’re third paragraph is an Appeal to authority. Also the timeless ‘Perils of Pauline’ Fallacy makes an appearance. (And can I get away with saying that the first paragraph has a little Appeal to Novelty in it?)
It’s smart in a Kim Kardashian kind of way but just as morally bankrupt and certainly not to be admired.
you’re welcome
are you seriously enjoying this game ? i mean even if we just judge the gameplay on its own it’s a hollow cash grab nothing more
i’ve liked some terrible games too so i am not judging but, wait, no, actually yeah i do have superior taste to people who enjoy this game, i think that would be fair to say
you’re whole post is extremely childish and reeks of selfishness and contains the same garbage gamers keep regurgitating whenever someone dares to question their favorite past time activity
I played violent games in my youth too and haven’t gone on a rampage either, that doesn’t mean everybody is like you and me. Some may be messed up already others don’t have people in their life to teach them better. How much time do parents get to spend with their kids these days ? Don’t get me wrong a lot of parents are selfish and childish, too, so they are certainly to blame for the crazy little ***** they are (barely) raising, too.
But we, be it teachers, coaches, friends, relatives, neighbors etc. have a responsibility to children who grow up around us, too. Without good rolemodels they will grow up (well not mentally) to become selfish, entitled and good for noth… oh wait it has already happened.
i didn’t even want to respond to your post because quite frankly i know it won’t lead to anything but i thought maybe i should make my position on this soon to be forgotten mess of a game clear before i never respond in this thread again to the people defending it
are people so scared to express their opinion that they have to apologize before doing so just in case?
The game looks pretty fun. Different pace than all your other clones of clones out there.
Lately i have been finding it really hard to enjoy games because it feels like i am just playing the same game regardless of what game i play.
The last cool twin stick shooter i played was alien infestation and im looking fwd to trying hatred.
Why do people hate the game? Because people want to control what games are and should be. Creative freedom is being suppressed around every bend in the industry as of late.
Soon you wont be allowed to add gender based characters in games. That time is coming… sounds far fetched doesn’t it
So did paying for updates to your game… and now its the norm.
I’ve got to disagree on several levels with you here.
Err… have you actually played those three? Especially Quake is completely different with its projectile weapons, movement systems, mind games, map control… Just because some games are orienting themselves at more popular titles, not everything’s the same.
The cause of the scandal around this game, being a person running amok, might seem interesting, but not its implementation. The Hatred Man (let’s call him like that) just says that humanity is disgraceful. In the whole game, there’s not a single line with even the slightest bit of actual criticism on humanity. You don’t have a humorous presentation as you get it in Postal.
The game’s brutality seems to be the only other marketing reason for the game. But if you think about it, this game is quite innocent, compared to Postal, Harvester or Manhunt. Especially if you turn the execution animations of, any shooter is more brutal.
From an objective standpoint, the gameplay is not good. It works definitively - you’ve got a solid twin stick shooter, but other things make it worse. The health system, where you have to execute people in order to get health back, is bad by design. It seems to be random if you can execute a person or not. In addition to that, you’re invulnerable while the animation is playing - looks really dumb when ten cops are standing around you, doing nothing. But beside that, this game is extremely repetitive. 95% of the objectives are “Kill more people” which gets boring after the first few maps. But anyway, show me the diversity in Hatred - either you shoot, drive or drive and shoot. Nothing else. The enemies aren’t fun to fight with, because civilists just run away or hide and cops/SWAT teams are bullet sponges with different weapons. So basically, you’ve got two enemies where one isn’t a threat at all.
“People want to control what games are and should be.” - well, err, that’s actually not a bad thing, is it? Of course, this means popular games become mainstream, but still there’s the Indie scene. And to be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen “creative freedom being suppressed”.
Yeah, you know that video games are a real industry now, with hundreds of people - who have to be paid - working on a single game? And you might want to specify “updates”, patches are still delivered for free. What you’re looking for is additional content.
Hatred just doesn’t have any aspects that say “Hey! Buy me and not all the other shooters!”. The gameplay is not good, there’s no story, the graphics are decent, there’s absolutely no message to be told and it’s just really boring.
I can sort of see how there is some appeal to majority there, as with appeal to motive, but I’m not seeing the appeal to force. Either way my second paragraph was meant more as a snarky retort rather than some form of actual rebuttal. Basically it was a “sorry we don’t all have the same tastes as you” sort of thing.
I’m not sure how pointing out facts counts as appeal to authority? There is no rise in violence correlating with video game popularity (in fact we are now less violent as video games have become more popular). If it really matters to you let me know and I will find the appropriate links to back my statements up.
I’ll be honest I have no idea what this is (even with google).
Maybe? I’m really not sure. From a business perspective it is a smart move to ride the controversy to more sales.
No offense taken.
As I said above from a business perspective it is a smart move to ride the controversy to more sales. If I may ask, what exactly should the developers should have done in this case to avoid being morally bankrupt in your eyes?
I don’t own the game, it’s just not my type of game (by type I mean top down, I can’t be bothered with those style of games). I’ll agree the gameplay is relatively shallow in complexity but I see nothing wrong with it. To me it seems like a game you just play for the fun of it whenever you need to kill some time (pun fully intended).
To each their own.
The main point of my post was who are you to tell people what they should and shouldn’t like and what gives you the right to judge them and think of yourself as superior simply because they like something you don’t “approve” of. That said, the part of my post in quotes that you’re responding to here was about studies proving video games don’t cause violence, so I don’t quite see how that is childish or selfish. With regards to “the same garbage gamers keep regurgitating whenever someone dares to question their favorite past time activity” it’s more so defending my/our hobby from those who would condemn it an imagined high ground when really they are just ignorant to what they are talking about.
Raising children is the onus of the parents and to some extent teachers and the like. It is not the responsibility of game devs to ensure children can’t play whatever games they make, it’s on the parents to make sure the things they buy for their children are age appropriate. Devs are free to make whatever they want and have it rated so parents can make an informed decision as to if their child is allowed to play the game.
I will agree with you completely here, however it is still not on game developers to ensure their mature-content-filled game isn’t played by kids.
I can understand not wanting to respond, I was pretty confrontational with how I wrote that post. For the record I enjoy a good discussion with varying viewpoints (so long as participants are able to listen to reason, myself included in that). My main reason for defending the game, if you’re interested, is that I think every game should be allowed to be made. I may not agree with or like the games, but let devs make whatever they want, and if people want to buy it, let them do so.
No, I just haven’t posted here enough to know what is going to be considered as unacceptable (I never even thought I’d be having the sort of conversation we’re having right now on this site, so I wasn’t really expecting to deal with any form of confrontation lol) and I wanted to make sure I hadn’t crossed any lines.
you seem like a good dude and quite honestly there isn’t really much i would disagree with in your post, keep in mind that i love video games and movies myself, nor did i intend to claim some moral high ground (except for joking about it) - i just disagree on the it can have one certain types of people, thankfully for the most part those are positive but they aren’t always and it is not even the violence in games that is always to blame for it but the social isolation that can come with it too is to blame
our medium of choice is not without faults IMO and developers and publishers have worked hard for decades to make games a respectable medium (not just financially), i feel games like these or manhunt are just undermining their dedication without bringing anything worthy to the table
Here’s a one sentence answer for those who are still asking why there is hate surrounding this game:
It takes itself too seriously, this isn’t POSTAL a game that everyone knew was a joke. In addition it plays itself off as the “greatest game of all time” or some savior to the gaming industry, which is certainly not true considering I can think of a number of games that have more innovation and substance.
This is why I believe the future of games will probably rely more and more on indie developers to create new, fun innovative games. The AAA industry of game development usually don’t have the luxury or creative freedom to create games that are unique and risky to do, because there is no guaranteed success behind creating such a game for a market of players that do not exist for a game with new ideas. Instead, borrowing mechanics from older games and adding a fresh new spin on them is what we will usually see produced nowadays. developers that take a risk in creating unique and different gameplay experiences are what I am looking forward to seeing more of in the future.
Exactly. But what gets to me is why people want to control the industry or what comes out of it. I can understand if you’re the owner of a studio to direct your company the way you see fit and to limit what you find immoral or wrong. But to try and smear it off on everyone else just grates me.
They say what the developers did is nothing to admire… to create so much controversy that everyone talks about it. Perhaps… perhaps it is nothing to admire. But what are left with these days other than tactics like this to keep the dev doors open?
Getting noticed in a saturated market is extremely hard. Unless you have connections / resources or you get extremely lucky.