Hello all. Im sorry if smiliar topic has been posted already. Im newbie in Unreal Engine.
I have a question. I’ve modelled a floor plan and the walls are single mesh. I will go trough Unwrap the wall’s UV’s but before I do that I want to know how should I continue from this step.
Should I seperate each room’s walls for assigning materials? Because I may want to assign different materials to some walls.
Or can I assign different materials to faces of the mesh in Unreal Engine?
whatever modeling program you used you can set each wall to take materials seperately (i dont think unreal just has that built in). You can also just make each wall piece a seperate mesh, but in the end, as long as you can put different material instances on the walls, youre good
In addition to ViceVersa’s answer it would be better if you split the walls if you are going to use static lighting. You’ll have much better lightmaps that way.
I assume you’re trying to do something like green wall paper in one room and orange wall paper in another.
the first thing i would do is break that mesh out into separate pieces as Jacky mentioned. if you’re not trying to be modular, and the extra thick wall looks like it’s for plumbing which would be specific to this building, then i would break it up by the smallest pieces between two intersections. once you’ve done that you can apply two different materials in your modeling program and easily assign them in UE4. this would also allow you to swap out materials in real time (eg. bedroom is green but you want to see it with red) with blueprints. other advantages to breaking up the model are that it’s easier to update specific sections and you’ll have cleaner edge loops.
to directly answer your question though: you’ll have to assign different materials to the faces in your modeling program before export.