Which classes to refer for navmesh

Hi, I want to know which classes should I refer for getting information regarding Unreal Engine 4 navigation system.

For now, I can only find 1 such way to access the navigation system through.

UNavigationSystem* NavSys = UNavigationSystem::GetCurrent(OwnerComp);

And as far I can see, the navigationsystem does have some useful functions regarding finding random points where the ai can move to etc. Are there any more class which can help me in similar things?

There some navigation components, did you tried those?


Like said, check out




#Using Custom Components

These two components are created for each AI unit in the Controller class function

void AController::InitNavigationControl(UNavigationComponent*& PathFindingComp, UPathFollowingComponent*& PathFollowingComp)

I override this function to use my own custom Navigation components!

#My AI Thread

As seen in the videos in my AI thread here:

#Video Pic For You

Here’s a gif of my AI using my custom Nav components finding a jumping path to its target using only C++, and a simple nav mesh volume in editor. There are no special helpers in the level! This was all calculated in C++ !

Wow that AI seems amazing. I will take a look at those components. Thanks…