Where's the LightMap Density in the Optimization Viewmodes in UE 5.5.4 ?

I recently upgraded my project to the latest version of Unreal Engine 5.5 to take advantage of its new features. However, in this version, when I try to view the “Lightmap Density” setting in the Optimization Viewmodes, it does not appear, even though I have access to all the necessary optimization tools available in previous versions, such as Lightmap Complexity, Shader Complexity, and more.

That being said, the console command “ShowFlag.LightMapDensity 1”, which in Unreal Engine 5.4 enabled the Lightmap Density visualization, is still present in version 5.5. However, when executed, it only results in a black screen, suggesting that the feature is still there but not functioning properly.

Would it be possible to know how to enable this feature? I need it for my project to properly visualize the resolution of my Lightmaps.

It’s there… Can only guess you have static lighting disabled in project settings.

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