Hello everyone!
I’m new to Unreal Engine 5 and game development in general. I’ve installed the engine and started exploring the interface, but I feel a bit overwhelmed with all the features.
Could anyone recommend where a complete beginner should start?
Should I focus on Blueprints first or dive into C++?
Are there any must-watch tutorials or courses?
What beginner projects would you suggest to learn the basics?
I appreciate any tips or advice you can share! Thanks in advance!
To learn the engine? Doesn’t matter imo. If you already know C++, you can get comfortable with Unreal C++ in no time. If you wanna start making games right away however, you can consider learning blueprints first.
No, but here’s the most basic one out there. After that, you can start a demo project where you set your own objectives, do some research when you encounter an obstacle, and implement it to fit your use case!
I would first learn the editor, what everything does, what terms are used (blueprints, animationblueprints, widgets, blackboards, behaviour trees… and so on).
Crashes are common on UE…
it is fair to note to save your project very often, unreal editor has a habbit of crashing now and then… for example ctrl+leftclick on data table editor was an instant crash, but it seems to be fixed on 5.5.1.
Remember to backup your project
Install GIT or perforce or similar sourcecontrol to make backups of your project. GIT can also be used just on your local system, you dont need to push your project to github or other webhosts. to backup your project: create a git repository to your project folder, then you can commit (“commit” makes the backup wich you can restore later if needed) using git, then just copy the project folder to other harddrive. for git i would use tortoisegit as interface so it is then easier to use.
Start learning blueprints first, then move to c++
I would start with blueprints so you get to know the software, and when you are comfortable with UnrealEditor and know the basics, then move to c++… you can always move back to blueprints only if you want later. I use both: c++ and blueprints.
i gathered some links for you, these youtube channels are from well known tutorial makers, i would recommend to watch the videos and follow along. there is also courses on these youtube channels for FPS, RPG, GTA and other style games.
here is a good playlist for a beginner, it covers everything you need to know as a beginner:
and i would recommend to start with this video, it explains the editor and some basic features: