Where do I enable Virtualized Geometry?

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



Weird looking Deformed Static Mesh / Deformed Object I’m having this exact issue and the solution is simple I just have absolutely no clue how to find this directory like where do I go to enable it?

Steps to Reproduce

Importing something with too many LODS probably

Expected Result

The triangles just become deformed after importing

Observed Result

The triangles just become deformed after importing



Additional Notes



I think what you’re seeing is LODs being automatically generated.

Open the asset in the Static Mesh Viewer, set ‘Number of LODs’ to 1, and click ‘Apply Changes’

Let us know if that does not resolve it.

Hi @unxqe1

I’m the Author of that Post.

You enable Virtualized Geometry in the Graphics Quality Settings of the Fortnite Launcher.

So in-game, not inside UEFN.

Also make sure to tell your Players that because they will experience the same thing :smile: