Normally I wouldn’t post a question like this, but the last few days of Googling have failed to provide me any answers. I’m looking for documentation on the C++ functions in UE4, as looking through the dropdown menu in Visual Studio and trying to find one with a relevant name is time consuming and usually fruitless. I haven’t found any code reference or documentation for all the C++ functions yet on Epic’s website or through other forum sites. Have I just completely missed something somewhere? If there is a coding reference, could you point me towards it?
Specifically I’ve seen in Blueprint the “event hit” function/event, and is there a C++ equivalent for an actor class?
ShooterGame is a FPS multiplayer game in C++, and they give you the entire source for it. There are many other example projects too.
The best way to navigate this is a tricky subject. You have to take the time to be lost in the documentation and API to actually begin to understand the structure of the engine.
I would say this though… I’ll use an example.
Lets say you want to make your character do something. You look in your code and see that you extended the ACharacter class because it already has a bunch of character like functionality in it. So you look in the API and find that class and check it out to see if it does what you need. If not, you go to its parent class that you see in the inheritance tree at the top of the ACharacter class page in the API, which is APawn. You then check APawn and see if it has what you need… etc, etc.
This is the process of learning the code structure at this point.
It is time consuming but you are dealing with a very powerful engine.
Keep at it and it begins to make more and more sense =)
As for take hit event in C++, you have to define your collision types/channels and then handle either an overlap event or blocking event. There is info on that here: Collision Response Docs