Hello. I have a problem when i try to package my game. This error pops up PackagingResults:Error: Error Unknown Cook Failure.
link text
Looking at your logs, it appears that you are experiencing several different errors.
One thing I noticed was the error message: LogLinker:Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/DungeonEnemies/Enemy/Enemy_Gruntling_Avalanche/SK_Gruntling_Avalanche’
This could be related to an asset that was deleted but is still being used somewhere in the project. Verify that this is not the case. Also, right click on the Content folder in the Content Browser and select the Fix Up Redirectors in this Folder option.
Another error message I see is: CookResults:Error: Error Couldn’t save package, filename is too long: C:/Users/wasp1/Documents/Unreal Projects/MyProject/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/MyProject/Content/InfinityBladeAdversaries/Enemy/Enemy_Gruntling_Avalanche/Enemy_Gruntling_Avalanche_Animation/ExoGame_Gruntling_Death_Small_Alt.uasset
This file name is exceeding the character limit. You’ll need to rename some of the assets and folders in order to shorten the file name.
Finally: Warning: Guid is in use by LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent /Game/SideScrollerBP/Maps/SideScrollerExampleMap.SideScrollerExampleMap:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent_61 and LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent /Game/SideScrollerExampleMap_Auto1.SideScrollerExampleMap:PersistentLevel.Landscape_0.LandscapeHeightfieldCollisionComponent_61, which should never happen in the editor but could happen at runtime with duplicate level loading or PIE
What you’ll need to do is start resolving these error messages in an attempt to clean up the project in order to get it packaged. Often resolving one error will in turn fix other errors as well.
Let me know if you have any specific questions, but in the meantime I suggest running through your log and beginning to work on resolving these error messages, of which there are quite a few.
Have a great day