I am looking at making a training course for UE4 and game development. I would like to know, what everyone’s biggest difficulty with learning UE4 or game development is?
I would really appreciate any feedback for this.
Well im able to create some subobjects and variables or bind inputs… but if i want to fix code at character movement component (falling under lift when jump and lift is moving at faster speed) i have no idea where to start…
Or i want to make emissive widget text but no idea where to do it.
Awesome Thank you! I agree that C++ in UE4 is very complex, and there is a ton the engine does. So basic c++ for making a game? Or would debugging make more since?
Its up to you
Imo there are a lot tutorials how to do c++ basic games because its easy to use functions, but creating advanced new code is imo challenge and needed for everyone who seriously want to develop games.
Imo advanced c++ tutorial will be much appreciated by community, put it on udemy and you can also earn money…
Ben Tristem made 50 hrs tut c++ on udemy, its very successful but its pretty basic, im not satysfied with that.
Something like creating custom tools, custom sphere gravity, custom widget text emissive rendering, debugging package fails, multiplayer reconnecting, splitscreen…
Find a decent animator/rigger that can bring the stuff 3D artists make to life. For my last project for example i already spent 8000$ on characters and they are all still static… spend about 2.5k$ on animators who couldn’t deliver yet…
Also, find partners seems to be hard as an indie. I created and released 2 games already on Steam. So far combined over 100.000 copies - but i was never able to find someone to assist me based on royality. So i end up making the games on my own and spending about 50k-100k per title on freelancers, half of that money is wasted due to people not being able to deliver properly.
I wish i could find someone who likes to make a game with me and can either model, animate or code. A team would be so great.
Content Creation is really really hard && time consuming unless you want to produce games made out of boxes and no textures(some people did and quite well).
Epic wont give us a proper programming language, BP’s are slow once they grow a bit and translating them to C++ is an entire journey by itself.
The Documentation is little to inexistent, by now i would have expected UE4 doc’s to be like unity, very well formatted, description that humans can understand for everything inside the engine, with at least one example per API class/function, and 2 different doc’s pages for BP/CPP separately.
Well point 3 effect is damped largely by the ammount of people posting solutions and videos on the net which makes development possible to a degree for solo/indie devs.
Im not complaining as per thread’s subject, just my opinion, and im not making comparisons UE vs unity either, because if i did i would have to complain about the poor state of CE5 and Lumberyard docs/api aswell, stay away from that stuff.
A concept artist can really help get people on the right page. You left that out, and I can tell you a few pictures is worth a thousand words, and twice the productivity.
I have thrown away so much trash. My trash reduced significantly with just a simple concept artist. its an obvious reason aaa studios use it. The collaboration for just 3 people trying to create a level is chaos. One person might make a 120,000 tris character with 8- 4k materials. One person sends you clip art ran through a filter, and another sends you a 200mb vase. I literally had all 3 of those things happen to me. A guy actually created a 3d scan of a vase that was 300k tris, and had 4 materials that were 4k. It was supposed to be just a nice planter. I could scale it to be a sky scraper.
Premium support on google I think is like Fifteen thousand dollars Yes Thousand a month. The people actually established worked hard and really don’t want to give you all the answers for free. Or there coding to be a huge teaching lesson.
Seeing as I do most everything on my own in UE4 finding people to team up with is the hardest part for me. I have a preference to work on a particular part of game development but end up doing all of it alone for now.
#1. Motivation. No matter how much I love my project it’s difficult to wake up everyday for years and work on it, with every goal just being so small, you have to look at the entire thing to get the scope of how much you’ve actually accomplished.
#2. As a programmer/technical artist, I’ve found it exceptionally easy to find other programmers to partner with, but not artists. There’s some sort of cultural divide between these two professions that makes communication harder than I’d like. Even when paying at/above market rate for services I’m fairly shocked at how difficult it is to find someone reliable.
I always wanted to believe maybe It’s just me, I’m hard to work with or something, but as time goes on I see more examples of people having the same struggle and just never had these issues at larger studios I worked at.
It’s all perspective right? I’m shocked to see people say asset creation/art as the hard part. I just spent 3 hours trying to figure out how to make a Behavior Tree branch properly (and it still doesn’t freakin work the way I want it to)… but that’s just me. The art is just time consuming. The programming/blueprints is crazy hard.
This ^
Altough programming is hard because of CPP/bp and poor documentation, i still hope untill the engine dies that they implement easy scripting and proper documentation like unity.
While the engine is crazy powerfull they forgot to make it as easy as possible to use, in scripting you already have all the programming problems solved you can find answers everywhere, only engine API would be left to master, and if it had good doc’s programming would be a pleasure, but BP’s… well you’re on your own, and CPP is broken many things you can do in BP you cant do in CPP or they are bugged like OnBeginOverlap wont implement/trigger from CPP(known unfixed bug since forever), sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt, just a waste of time.
is there something im missing? Cpp has been around for a long time. Theres tons of doc’s books etc. bp’s are fairly easy but really get complicated when the entire game is made of them. The issue with cpp can be sorting through the 35 years of usage, and whats correct and not correct anymore. Also what works in a game and doesnt. I imagine its possible to do almost absolutely everything. How to do it correctly is another question entirely. I can’t think of something that cant be done. Im sure if nasa wanted to they could communicate using ue4 via cpp through cell phones and long range sensors with the space station. I couldnt tell you how they would do that. Im just sure it would be possible.
I believe your looking for this.
Overlap conditions are here. There is also a great example of how its used in cpp with epic example. platformer game.
Art is the hardest part because Art is a skill you are either born with or cultivated when you were wrong. (You however can design, edit and create without the skill)
Coding however is something you can learn easily.
Art also as you have listed is more time consuming. One of the problems with indie game development like i said is #1 every one wants to do things solo (whether its because they want to stick to their idea or not) and then #2 people working on game logic instead of Art first.
That is a huge problem. Its hard to stay motivated as have been said by @vfez when all you have is game logic and nothing else done.
Art should always be #1 focus.
Its what people see first.
Think about the first 60 seconds of the new Metro trailer. If someone took a picture of that and posted it here people would go crazy and want that game, it will garner alot of support and solve the motivation issue.
Art trumps everything because its what people see. Yet people don’t get that they focus months on game logic that is barely reuseable than quit or complain or simply buy cheap assets from the marketplace and throw them into their environment without no texture retouching and you end up with your run of the mill marketplace game.
Assets, and saying that is a very general term. I would say finding animations would be one of the harder things to find.
With CGTrader and TurboSquid, assets are “a dime a dozen”. You can literally find anything and everything you would ever want.
Finding animations specific to your project is one of the harder things. Unless you are making a fantasy casting game, then you have everything you need! For some reason, asset designers seem to think “if it aint blowed up lookin’ or mage castin’ it aint no good!” …
Anyways, finding reliable people is hard. I lost over a years worth of content and, money, from paying a programmer that used several other games code (he was contracted to other games as well) into my company project as well as just pulling in free content and charging me for “the work done”. I had some MMORPG thats unannounced, so, i have no idea whos game it was, and kite demo stuff all in my code. Anyways, finding ppl that are worth their salt is, at times, harder then finding the assets required.
Yea, I think a good concept artist is really essential here. And of course a good concept… I mean, if you have some good pre-production art to show off your ideas then people are more likely to jump on-board. It speaks volumes more to a team then throwing a GDD at people and expecting them to get excited. I think the “idea” person can typically visualize their ideas, so it’s easy to get excited about it. Well, putting those visuals on paper will help other people to get excited too. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.
Remembering the use of node trees, i just wanting to know is it difficult to learn node trees, i am starting to get the heng of it, how long does it take for it to become easy.