I’m making a first person game with 2D characters in a 3D environment like classic DOOM and can’t seem to find a good way to move my enemies/npcs in the world.
Their movement patterns are simple so at first I was at first just using SetActorLocation for them but with that I’m not being able to check for collisions or use any kind of physics (if there’s a gap for instance, the character will just walk over it). I tried implementing my own collision check but it doesn’t work very well so I decided to try to use some builtin function.
I think navmeshes and AI might be too complex for this game so I was trying to implement my own MovementComponent but it’s not going very well, the enemies in the game are all inherited from APawn but all the tutorials and info I can find are for ACharacter and for player input which I don’t need.
Tried using SetPhysicsLinearVelocity and AddImpulse to the Collision Component of my pawns and they don’t seem to be doing any effect.