I just downloaded unreal engine 5 and visual studio 2022 and I keep getting these errors and won’t let me edit my project anymore. Nothing I can find seems to fix it and I can’t figure out what to do.
the Migration report shows up and I have no idea what it means.
It’s often from less ram since you hot reload it from the editor.
When you restart the editor the class should appear there . I had the same problems when on less ram, it does not have enough memory to finish.
Did you try restarting the editor to see if your class appears after editor restart.
Additional steps:
A) Also make sure you set the 2022 option from the editor prefrences as your main VS version or
that it is set to that, it may be set to something else and that causes problems
B) in your project folder you got the save folder and there you have the logs folder, and your logs may tell you a story of what is going on and what is wrong.
C) you may be missing a dependency for C++ work loads that is needed.
Welcome to the Unreal Engine Community forum. I’d be happy to look into the problem you’ve ran into. First, could you provide your system specs and which version of UE5 you’re running? Thanks!