What is wrong with my shadows?

I tried everything, but the shadow keeps looking so bad… what I should do?
Thanks to any advice!

Also, I took the coconut tree from the vehicle sample, but the shadow is bad looking too. The Coconut tree moves with the wind, but the shadow doesn´t… =/

see picture:

Hi Filipe,

You need to increase the lightmap resolution for your landscape/static mesh that is receiving the shadow. By default it doesn’t use a very large lightmap resolution.

When using pre-computed (baked) static lighting you the shadow and light information is baked into a texture that is applied to the mesh/landscape. This type of lighting does not work well for foliage that is moving because a pre-computed shadow will now show that movement. Instead you would want to to make your light source either Stationary or Movable to account for this.

The documentation here should cover all the basics and more complex understandings of each light type along with some tutorials to get you started. Lighting Tools and Plugins in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

I hope this helps.
