What is the reason and/or fix for UE5 (5.03 & 5.1) freezing my whole pc?

Same issues for the last three days now and every time I open ue5 project within the next 30 second my entire computer freezes up until it crashes my computer. So any update on what this could possibly be, cause I’m sick of uninstalling unreal and graphic drivers and just about anything I could think of for what changed to lead to this freezing and to no Avile could I find a solution I’ve been trying to fix this for the entire day now and I’m stump and starting to see a pattern for serval other individuals and to be honest I wondering if this on the developers side now and not ours cause I couldn’t think of anything that I’ve done differently on my computer that lead to this problem. So, I don’t know if it something to fix or if I wait it out for updates on unreal ends. This is very annoying cause I just want to work on stuff, and this is a huge inconvenience.

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It’s been a week since I’ve installed the old AMD graphics driver from 2021 (“NON_WHQL” 21.5.1) mentioned in this thread, and so far I haven’t had any full lock ups. So it could just be random luck that a lockup hasn’t happened yet, but so far it seems to be working so I think it’s worth trying out for anyone having this problem.

Downsides: Whenever starting the editor or a packaged game, I get a popup asking if I want to go to AMD’s website to download the latest drivers, which is pretty annoying. Also, it doesn’t seem to be as well optimized as the recent drivers.

But IMO if this is actually preventing the lockups then it I think it’s worth it, and if this is all really just a driver compatibility issue, then it’s probably possible to track down the exact driver version from which this issue started occurring, which might be helpful for the people at AMD/Epic in regards to solving this problem.

Edit: Here’s a different thread with what seems to be the same issue (including video of corruption upon mousing over a blueprint node), with the OP confirming that the above driver version from 2021 fixed the problem:

Edit 2: I posted a workaround here if you want to disable the popup about updating your drivers:

Same thing here. Never had a crash on my old pc… Got a new better pc now the same projects are crashing/freezing all the time… same project. 3070ti
I used to get video memory issues on my old pc but it would just slow down a little and show a message… now memory is fine and everything runs fast but it crashes every 15 mins. drivers up to date

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Thanks for describing your case - I tried to delete all 3 folders - after restart and opening third map in a row - again crash… So i think it didnt help(

I’ve been working on my game fulltime over the past few weeks and in the past two weeks or so Its been freezing my computer a few times every day. I thought it was something to do with my map, or my code, but its happening when Im in PIE and moving, and in PIE when not moving for a few minutes, and in the editor whether or not Im doing anything. My GPU is Nvidia GeForce 640 GT so I figured I just have ancient hardware, but it seems its happening to lots of people and with luck the next update will cure it. Having to hard restart my machine a few times a day is making me uncomfortable.

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I made some more experiments and I think Im getting closer to the problem (maybe its only in my project) but usually I use Ultra Dynamic Skies for my projects. And seems without it scenes are fine.
Next experiments showed that Ultra Dynamic Skies itself is okay, but Ultra Dynamic Weather is causing problems - after 1 second after import weather - crash. But it all working okay with RTX translucency - only I turn on Raster - crash.
Further experiments - seems rain causing problems (maybe other effects too but rain 100%). I tried to just put a rain niagara effects - crash, so seems problem in particles and Raster translcuecny interaction((
There is a ue5.2 release in preview - somebody tested it? It will help?

It not 100% percent and maybe working only in my case with UDS weather problem, but here is the way to fix (really easy):

  • Open your project file location
  • Find folder Config
  • find config file - DefautEngine
  • open it
  • find commands under: [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings]
  • find: r.OIT.SortedPixels=True
  • delete it (r.OIT.SortedPixels=True)
    Congrats you fixed it!!!
    I dont know what this function doing, also I need to test it more, but if you will never see my comments more - it worked for me)
    P.S. UE5.2 not fixing this problem(((
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Having the same issue on UE5.1 & 7900 XTX. Grey screen after about 5 seconds opening UE5 (New blank project) and full system lockup maybe 20s later. 100% repeatable so I’m a good candidate to test any potential fixes. Going back to a driver before this card released isn’t an option, so I’m going to try disabling fullscreen optimisations, disable HDR, and see what happens. My DefaultEngine didn’t have a r.OIT.SortedPixels=True line, but I added r.OIT.SortedPixels=False and will see what happens.


Please keep us updated as its driving me insane as well… sometimes for hours on end, the engine is super fast and responsive and behaves, other times with no change at all in my workflow or anything really, it just… starts… thinking… too hard and just clicking on elements isn’t responsive, sometimes brings down the whole computer with it. The ironic thing is that when this happens, CPU and GPU stats for the app goes down to 5-10%… its just like it put itself to sleep.

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This may have solved it for me:


Disabling MPO. On 7900 XTX.

Has anyone with this issue noticed a difference in the new engine V5.2 when using the latest AMD drivers?

I see that there are a lot of different crash/hang fixes in the patch notes, but I guess there’s no way of finding out for sure without testing locally.

I haven’t noticed any difference yet. I can’t find anything else that I haven’t tried already. I hope Epic tells us something

Gosh I feel bad for you, my issues vanished randomly without me intervening… I think maybe you should point the finger at windows cause I didn’t update the engine when it fixed itself, so unless they can play on my computer without my knowledge, its likely due to windows.

I had this issue sometime when I overclocked my GPU, so maybe it’s related with your GPU. You could try downclocking a little your GPU.

Experiencing the same issue with 5.2. Started after switching to DX12. Anyone managed to solve it? It crashes my PC every time and the only way to get out of it is by hard resetting the computer. It happens when I spawn a mesh and it is starting to compile some shaders for it. Not sure if it helps anyone to debug the problem.

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Compiling shaders may be a hard task for the CPU. I would check temperatures, and you could try downclocking your CPU. It could be related too with a problem with the RAM.

Sorry, I was wrong… It seems like it was solved, but now it happened again randomly…

You can read my comment too.

It is crashing even when not compiling shaders. I am selecting an actor in the editor and then it freezes and nothing helps afterwards.

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If you are using an AMD graphics board, you can try installing the old driver mentioned in this post, and it might solve your problem (it worked for me).

Unfortunately, we still haven’t figured out what is causing this full PC/GPU crash problem, or if there are multiple causes. It’s almost certain that there is a DX12 feature involved, and in my case interacting with UI elements like content browser items or material graph nodes sometimes causes visual corruption and triggers it, but other than that, I dunno.