What is the reason and/or fix for UE5 (5.03 & 5.1) freezing my whole pc?

It’s been a week since I’ve installed the old AMD graphics driver from 2021 (“NON_WHQL” 21.5.1) mentioned in this thread, and so far I haven’t had any full lock ups. So it could just be random luck that a lockup hasn’t happened yet, but so far it seems to be working so I think it’s worth trying out for anyone having this problem.

Downsides: Whenever starting the editor or a packaged game, I get a popup asking if I want to go to AMD’s website to download the latest drivers, which is pretty annoying. Also, it doesn’t seem to be as well optimized as the recent drivers.

But IMO if this is actually preventing the lockups then it I think it’s worth it, and if this is all really just a driver compatibility issue, then it’s probably possible to track down the exact driver version from which this issue started occurring, which might be helpful for the people at AMD/Epic in regards to solving this problem.

Edit: Here’s a different thread with what seems to be the same issue (including video of corruption upon mousing over a blueprint node), with the OP confirming that the above driver version from 2021 fixed the problem:

Edit 2: I posted a workaround here if you want to disable the popup about updating your drivers: