What happens to the Cast Shadow of the actor?

Hi!I have a problem, I don’t understand why if I have an actor with a static mesh, the dynamic shadows don’t work…
All my actor components are on Movable and also the light.
Is there a setting that I miss or it doesn’t work well with Lumen?

I tried to put Cast Hidden Shadow but the shadow remains there…

But did you build light at some point? That’s what giving you the shadows.

Try moving the floor…

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I did not build light. I don’t know why but when a static mesh has Nanite on it it happens like in the video… if I remove the Nanite it works fine… But I need Nanite for some.

Did you try this option?


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You have to build light, after clicking that option.

But also, I think your problems may well be related to using the ‘low’ setting in the editor. Medium is probably better.

But I don’t want to have build lights:))) I just want dynamic light:)))
How can I move the cube with its shadow if lights are built?

Once you’ve ticked that option, building lights actually turns the system off.

But like I say, I think you need the scalability in medium.

ok, let’s say I don’t tick that option…
How can the low setting solve my problem?:)) If I set everything to low, the lumen disappears, which I don’t want…
When I shot the last clip, scability was at low with global illumination on medium.

I think you need scalability on medium.


Everything on medium, except global illumination.

If I don’t set the global illumination to medium, the Lumen disappears. Get it? :)))
Why should I do that when I need Lumen? :))

Then you need ‘global illumination to medium’ :slight_smile:

But I think you need medium on everything else to get the shadows working…

Even if I set them all to Medium or High, the problem is not solved. I don’t think this is the problem…

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is that vsm? so the shadow is not updated for nanite meshes? might be a bug.

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Oh man! I think that was the problem. The Shadow Map Method was on Shadow Maps, not VSM. Now, dynamic shadow seems to work even with Nanite enabled!

Thank you all for your help!!

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