Hey everyone,
I am working on a game where I need the AI to use SmartNavLinks to propel themselves using a certain ability to areas they wouldn’t normally be able to. I am using a derived class from ANavLinkProxy and my own NavLinkCustomComponent with the bSmartLinkIsRelevant set to true.
When I place them, there are areas where they work and where they don’t work. I am wondering if anyone has any idea on what determines if a NavLink is relevant on the NavMesh. It seems to me, that NavLinks are only usable on neighboring NavTiles, but someone told me that is not the case.
Wondering if someone has the answer. I have tried digging into the NavigationSystem and the
RecastGenerator classes, as well as lots of other things and can’t find the answer.
In the above pictures is an example of what I am talking about. When I move the NavLink point onto a further tile, the tile is no longer a part of the Navigation and is not considered in pathing.
Thank you for anyone who chimes in