What does "Navigation build complete " Mean

When I go to biuld a simple lighting pass it does not biuld, and shows that there are meshes that still need to be biult. Every time I press the biuld button it says that the Navigation buld is complete even though i dont have anything in my scene dealing with navigation voulumes or what not. Please!!! HELP! ive tryed uninstalling unreal and even try to use the older versons and it still wont let me biuld lighting please help. get back to me ASAP!!!


Make sure you have this unchecked


I had this issue before and it wasn’t fix till I deleted folder ( saved , intermediate , config ) be careful tho, deleting folder " config" will cause some control and settings issue ( but i think u will have to remove it specially if u loaded a project inside another project since the last project u add will always overwrite the config folder to match it’s own settings"
hopefully this will help u .