What causes these Apply Additive distortions?

I’ve been trying to use my imported Miximo animations blended with my aim offsets I animated myself using the same skeleton and the Miximo rig in Maya and I keep getting this:

Here’s my Animation Graph:

If I plug the State Machine into the Final Animation pose it looks fine. But if I plug the state machine into the Apply Additive, even without the AimOffset plugged in, it distorts like the screenshots.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Oddjob,

It looks like you are just applying the aimOffset incorrectly. Instead of combining the output of your Locomotion state machine with the output of your aimOffset using an Apply Additive node, you should plug the output of your Locomotion state machine directly into the ‘Base Pose’ input of your aimOffset node. Then, the output of your aimOffset node can be fed directly into your Final Animation Pose.

Good luck!

It has to do with how you set up the individual AimOffset animations. Here is how I fixed it.

The “AdditiveAnimType” must be set to “LocalSpaceBased”


  1. Open the Animation
  2. Scroll down until you find “Additive Settings”
  3. SetAdditive Anim Type to: Local Space
  4. Set Base Pose Type to: Selected Animation Frame
  5. For Base PoseAnimation: (select some idle animation)

Hope this helps anyone who stumbles onto the page. Good luck!


Just wanted to say thank you for this solution! It fixed the same problem that I have been dealing with as well.

Great solution! Fixed my problem, too. Thanks!

Thank you very much!!))