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snapping mesh at runtime for building/construction world

I have a problem with collision in multi-player if anyone have idea please check :


is just a little demo of what i have learned and was able to do with the unreal engine 4 in 6 months.I’d like to
thank the unreal community for all the wonderful tutorials content plugins assets and so on.




More tank stuff, tuning the drive a bit to get it to feel right. Think I got it close.


That tank looks so , nice work! =)


Demonstrating dynamic (vs kinematic) physics objects in Dungeon Survival.

Notice that when I hit small objects with low mass, like the mug and basket, they are easily moved with the sword, which is of a similar mass.

The table, by contrast, blocks the sword and moves it as I swing (as hard as I reasonably can).

That looks cool. Sword swinging reminds me of Die By the Sword when controlled with mouse. At best it was hilarious to swing the sword around and chopping limbs of enemies. :smiley:

I’ll say, looks quality , keep it up.

Diode Prototype

Hi all,

I’m working on a prototype and I would love to get feedback on controls and mechanics. The demo is completely free. I just want to get as much feedback as I can in its current stage so I can move onto the next phase of development for it.

Feedback homies…pay it forward :slight_smile:


Please send feedback to filionalden

New grass and updated shading model.


I just wanted to say that your work is among my top 5 inspirations for my own sci-fi models. Great use of form, texture and color.


Just uploaded my game’s trailer to :smiley:

Thank you Zokk! That is very humbling to hear. =)


Cool stuff everywhere!
A honor for me, to “spam” stuff :slight_smile:
“Perinator - Deadrow” firing some Lazar.
Some gameplay extension for the first launched part of Beams a GrappleTimeTrail, i break everything down into sections now, to stay focused and to make it theoretically possible.



Sincerely :slight_smile:


Working on a project that uses the unreal engine to control a variety of real life objects and lighting. By scanning the venue into a virtual environment then creating pipelines via Bluetooth or WiFi to translate ai or object behavior and send it to said objects in the venue. makes it easy for the object to navigate a real environment rather than trying to figure out were their going. giving the ability to setup complicated dj and venue scenes and lighting without even needing to be in the venue. For example a torch in the virtual world can be replicated in the real one if it’s behavior is is translated to a wifi controlled led light exc. creates more of a sub reality allowing you to change the type of light and the behaviors of objects giving the more versatility and creating a much more dynamic environment without having to remodel every few years also give the ability to customize special events weddings night club holiday parties exc… I’ll have better demos via live twitch feed in the near future. are some links if you want to keep check on the progress



Gotta say I’m a fan of your sci-fi art, I only wish my project was set 75 years in the future, not the past! :slight_smile:

Thanks Docjor! There’s a solution for that of course, time travel! =P

integration continues. Rather than having our character walk/spin in a circle when moving the camera around while stationary, I setup a look-at task based on the camera position. When forward input is applied, the character turns and walks in the direction of the camera.


Thompson SubMachine Gun

