Working on “CMS”, a multiplayer chickens game!
Working on “CMS”, a multiplayer chickens game!
I really love games like DarkSouls, Lord Of The Fallen, Ryse Son Of Rome, and I’m currently learning and trying to make one xD, still early WIP
More to see : ://tzenku/upcoming-where-knights-will-fall/
Or : .unrealengine/showthread.php?97159-WIP-Where-Knights-Will-Fall-PC
Our art lead has just added a dynamic weather system into Klepto. Shortly after the rain starts, the ground saturates and water puddles start forming.
^ Very nice!
One last gif before bed, I’ve started working on support for the Vive motion controllers.
London taxi work in progress:
A project I started working on last summer called Settlement Zero. You are abandoned on a desolate planet with only crazy robots for company!
For info for anyone interested.://www.settlementzero
Hipoly model for my project:
Sounds rather interesting. I’ll be keeping an eye on one. =)
Finally completed my latest pack. Submission soon to follow. Check out the main thread for more screens and info!
I really liked what I saw. Made me wish I can do 3D modeling myself >_< Keep it up!
Thanks! Am now focusing on bringing the robot to life. Your SciFi assets look amazing by the way.
testing some of the new shaders from the 4.11 build:
's something i’ve been working on since UE4 came out. it’s not a trailer, just a video showing the progress so far. there’s more in the video description if you’re interested.
forum: .unrealengine/showthread.php?30198-Sugar-Rush-and-Suspended-Cop-WIPs
progress on artstation obqrW
Teaser screenshots for my WIP co-op VR RPG, Dungeon Survival:
Begin Object Class=K2Node_CallFunction Name=“Build Maze with modular assets”
End Object
Thanks! =)
Working at making stages look better