What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos


a further developed revision of the lighthouse scene:


let me know what you think of it.


Just testing making characters from Adobe Fuse and making them behave nicely with UE4 :slight_smile:




A short video and some work in progress shots of my current Viz project for school.


Genre: Real-time Strategy
Engine ver: 4.10 Custom

First In-Game Footage


About Game:

W.N.C Infantry - Real-time Strategy with focus on multiplayer.

The action takes place at the nearest future. A large number of local conflicts, led to start of the war.
You have to choose your side, and lead your army to the victory.

Key Features

  • Two story lines.
  • 20 Maps on different sides of the world.
  • Multiplayer matches with up to 8 players.
  • Realistic graphics.
  • Dynamic weather and time. Which will change gameplay.
  • High quality graphics.

Greenlight page:




deleted updated is coming.

Peek (Pitcher Cubes)




is a test of the update to the new motion controller interface and integration of the Skyrim-style pickup. I’m using Razer Hydras currently, though I hope to get a Vive.

The “snap” there is due to grabbing the actor’s location rather than the hit location as I’m using a sphere overlap test instead of raycasts. I’ll be fixing that up soon.


I also wrote the asynchronous/multi-threaded decompress class responsible for powering eXi’s Sound Visualization Plugin. The gist of it is that once you get around the in-editor only restriction (by restricting the plugin to only single or stereo channel sounds) the problem is that for large sounds it will decompress the entire SoundWave, which can be problematic for large compressed audio, as in the case of audiobooks, which is what I originally wrote the class for (which ended up as a component in my code, though I think eXi changed that). Instead of decompressing the entire sound the class allowed sending down start and end time, and I made the changes to the OGG related functions to seek and only decompress that one bit.


I made a new blood decal effect when I shoot the enemies.

Posting for some added exposition :slight_smile:




Latest footage. Have got FPS improved after adding lods, but cant use full screen with 4.10. Still long road ahead.

Some really works on page! I especially like that viz environment. Keep up the great work everyone. =)

Hello and Merry Christmas to you all!
We shot teaser for our latest VR Game. Please Enjoy! :o


Working on another environment scene, finished these 2 recently.

First Scene is a ArchViz environment made in one week.

The other is an abandoned russian church.
Finished one up in 3weeks, then did a re iteration on the scene itself to further improve it.

And is my current Work in progress found .

Some shots for a project i am working on right now :slight_smile:





Very nice Luxap and GMM!

's another prop from my upcoming pack. Check out more images !


Thank you for all your nice exampletutorthings.
Without your content and learning stuff from other Users too, i would be not able to cook spaghetti way. ^^

Now you need a “Organizer && Clean your blueprints Tutorial” :stuck_out_tongue:

^^ .unrealengine/showthread.php?91170-Organize-project-blueprints-clean-and-tidy-question&p=419000&viewfull=1#post419000