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Realtime lighting experiments in Unreal.

hehehehe :slight_smile:

The Unreal “Murder Muffin” game.


I started using the Unreal editor a handful of days ago and have a couple basic tutorials, with a first deliverable!
It’s the Coin Game tutorial result, but the knowledge is starting to amass.

Download Murder Muffin v.002 104 megs, Win 64.

is a v.001 video in editor


The game is being based off the “Murder Muffin” animation series
about the saga of 1940s Paris occupied by the dreaded Donutsee,
the Croissistance battling the occupation,
and the world’s deadliest baked goods since sliced bread.




What did i just .

Weee, i like it ^^

My head…

Haha that was pretty funny.

Hey, thanks for the comments. I won’t hijack thread with baked goods, maybe I’ll make a dedicated Murder Muffin thread later, but for the sake of completeness, is “Murder Muffin episode 4”:

As well, should anyone be interested, is the latest Unreal “Murder Muffin” v.003 (win64), now with Quit screen.

Two vehicle props I put together, just over 3k triangles each:



Overview of my current game map. Still very WIP.

's my latest work I did using unreal 4!

Working on game for mobile, I want some feedback, what do you think guys?

EMA -Mobilier-

Hi everyone

I’am working on a modular environment with tweakable materials. All were rendered in 4.8.


Hope you like it.



A title I have been working on Called Crazy Carz

When people ask how did you spend your new years Ill just say enjoying the View!!!

The basement.

Quick preview gameplay footage from Beta version 1/1/2016
video isn’t a official trailer and doesn’t represent final quality of the product.

Voice Acting by Metalnikov.

Just wanted to show Fantasiam aswell!


It looks like a really colorful Skyrim! Well !

Latest progress, At The Moment the death system is not working, what a head ache.
