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Dancing Panda: Level Clear cut scene from a new game I’m working on.


's a video of the level clear cut scene from a new VR racquet ball game that I’m working on.
I’m using Nvidia Flow emitters to generate the purple smoke and explosions.
Also after a “little” optimization I’ve got scene and the rest of game running at a solid 90FPS on a I5 notebook with a 1070 GPU.
Anyway let me know what you think!

I would go with noon :), looks bright and cheerful, beautiful artwork btw! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone I just wanna share achievement (and still going) <3


We have Characters! So we’re working on Wardrobe Malfunctions!


Hello community, have been working in game for a while. Now releasing an environment teaser.

nice, but your studio name is nearly similar to Firefly who is making Stronghold games : ://fireflyworlds/

Is it multiplayer?

Nice work!

Some Nova Prospekt-ish stuff.

Didn’t read the comment at the top of the post, and I knew right away what it was. Very nice.

Majestic owl is beeing majestic.

First Unreal Game

is my first Unreal Game. The goal was to learn Unreal, and i learned a lot of stuff. Now i want to move on, but not without releasing first. I have still a tough time to finish the project in the time frame, but i will do it. :wink:
You may notice many Assets from Infinity Blades & co.
My bad: The Teaser was shot without any AA, but my time is limited, so reuploading is not an option.
What do you think?

EDIT: Sorry for wrong link. BTW: Where can i edit the post? Is there a secret button?

good link: .be/efIWmBNZCMU

Hey guys. are a few screenshots of the game I’ve been working on for a while now called “Trail Breaking”… and adventure/puzzle game. Used to be called “The Way Back”.
Let me know what you think so far. Thanks.

For additional information please visit… www.jlssoftworks

Definitely some amazing work in thread! Well everyone.


Hi guys, is my first post in the unreal . I am an archviz guy who has never a game before so I have no idea how to make one :-), but I go willing to tackle every challenge that is going to appear on the way. is going to be kind of a “short playable trailer”… I have everything in mind, did some nasty drawing for the storyboard and I want to show you the very first screenshots of a few couple of assets I put together in the scene. I’m using UE 1.16, , Zbrush, Substance Painter and Substance Designer. Eventually some Megascans assets for the main section before entering the “building”… I would really appreciate any feedback you can provide and as I have no idea what I am doing :slight_smile: hit it as hard as you can! Eventually when I progress further I can even start my own thread :slight_smile:

I put together a Debris Kit week.

You can pick up Debris Kit at:

TurboSquid: /3d-models/real-time-ready-debris-3d-model-1170375?referral=MeshMagnet
CGTrader: www.cgtrader/3d-models/industrial/other/debris-groundfill-junk-trash-kit-game-ready


Dalton Kane

Recently downloaded my version of iClone 7 and made guy in it and imported him into Unreal morning. Overall the character looks really good. I haven’t set up his anims yet but those should be in short order. What do you guys think?




Would you be able to enlighten me on how you did ?
It looks amazing!