[FONT="]Been working on eyes for the stealthy game. I’ve been trying for a while to emulate HL2/the Source engine’s approach to eyes in UE4: they’re not rotating sphere meshes with bones, they’re more-or-less flat planes with a shader on ‘em that points the iris/pupil where you tell it. It ends up being a lot less maintenance and it’s cheaper too (although the cost of those extra bones is probably negligible on most platforms). I’m not shader mathy enough to pull it off on my own; but Hoffman[FONT="] saved the day, with the help of an email from Ken Birdwell (the Valve guy who wrote all stuff for HL2 in the first place). Blog post with videos etc and a lot more info.
Hi, everyone! We’d like to introduce you to Reclusa ( ), an atmospheric nightmare-ish game with bits of horror. It’s still in development and we’re working really hard to make the best environment we can. We’re small indie studio from Prague, Czech Republic, and we’d love to hear your thoughts on .
( is my first post on the unreal engine forum.When I was trying to upload my screenshots from my computer I always experienced database error and English is not my native language sorry about that.)
I’ve been toying around with the Volumetric Fog in 4.16 preview and trying to get it to look nice for light reflections to be visible without being too foggy. I think I got it exactly where i want, need to replace the cabin and then the scene is pretty much good to go.
upgraded my old evolved mode model to my current skill level, had to be , cause the old model was about 2 years old and looked totally out of place with everything else… kinda hard to see the details in game because of the screen effect… but it is rendered in keyshot… hope you like it :)…
I made a bunch of screen from inside the current build of the game, got a bunch of stuff working like 200 vs 200 AI, GPU powered character sprites, wave spawning, gesture recognition powers, tower placement and defensive structures (barriers), got a few types of enemy working like skeleton crawlers and archers plus big bad boss dude who slows every tower in a radius.
it all in blueprints except the AI Environment Query System / Tag setup, so that ai is smarter and doesnt try to focus flying units if it can’t and vice versa.
Since I’m a Skyrim-fan and UE4-noob I’ve been working on a “Skyrim-style” cave interior in Unreal Engine 4.14. Assets are mostly from the Infinity Blade grasslands pack, plus many based on Skyrim assets. The textures are also mostly from the Infinity Blade pack or engine content, plus a lot of cough placeholders, mushrooms for instance…it’s WIP after all, although one with bloom, Skyrim soundtrack and brick mushrooms.