What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos

Getting closer to nailing the art style I’m after.


Wow guys! All your work looks amazing. Keep it up!!!

Few screenshots from new psychological thriller game - The Apartment


Go Mannequin Go!! Got sidetracked stressing the CPU and GPU :D:D

Some wires & pipes for my upcoming marketplace pack. Check out more screens !

just stopping by… movie intro


Hi all! I’m about to finish my last work. All ecosystem is Real-Time Procedural Placement. Lighting is real-time.No baked.



Calling one donehttps://./

Very nice style choice and use of colors. It really pops out at you! Voted. Best of luck!


Just some progress from my latest VR game. It’s a WW2/Mythological hybrid-themed game with survival horror elements. Interested to see what people think. The game thread can be found .

Hi, thought I’d share the project I’ve been working on in hopes of getting some feedback. The game’s called The Devil’s Eight and it’s a music based boss battler with 2D fighting game mechanics inspired by the Super Smash Bros. series. We just posted an Imgur post with our latest gameplay trailer. I’d appreciate people checking it out and leaving any feedback.



Made ballistic shield in &Quixel Suite2 and recorded early video of it in action. Everything still very WIP, currently trying to work on AI more.

More of my Project in twitter/TheRealSaOk


Been working on little masterpiece. is my final version. Super satisfied! There are some texture streaming errors in the first few seconds, but the scene starts instantly when the game is run. The particle based rocks that fly around splash in the water if they land in it based on a trigger volume and was probably one of the coolest challenges I had.

Other wise all the movement is generated with my software VectorayGen!


Been working on a VR game where you get to experience life as a dragon! Your own arms are wings, your head a source of deadly fire! Getting fun realistic feeling flying is my main fucus, however throwing knights off cliffs is also a fun source of entertainment.

audio is superb.


New screenshot for Werwolf. Trying to get a mood of Wolfenstein meets Nosferatu: Wraith of Malachi. Feels real close.

Just got Greenlit and working on some funny pictures :stuck_out_tongue:

Really good projects and advanced skill in UE community. Keep up the good work guys!

! I would really like to play it. I am sure that it will be a hit.

Sorry to quote from a week ago, but I just love – is part of a game or asset pack? Do you have any further info? Would happily buy just to make screenshots :wink: