What Are You Working On? Community Screenshots & Videos

** stuff ! **

I startet to learn to use the UE4 engine a few weeks ago. (played around with it before but didn’t make something to worth to show)

Now I want to show something… :slight_smile:

Testing lighting and materials: (textures are self made)


Playing around with blueprints and AI:

I love the blueprint system, its like programming a sps control system.

Wow, those tesselated textures look phenomenal! Care to share your texture authoring process? Or allude to some sources where you learned to make them?
They look really, really nice! Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks, I made the textures with substance designer 5, there are many good tutorials for it.
The Material is just a standard tessellation material with player distance LOD.

Finally completed my latest UE4 Marketplace pack. =) Check out more screenshots !

Just finished our first teaser In UE4 after switching from Unity. I’ve heard a lot of people say that its hard to create stylized graphics in Unreal 4. I’ve found that the hardest part is defining an art style to incorporate regardless of what engine you’re using. There are some really good tools that can be incorporated directly into the engine to help create all different types of non realistic rendering.

Anyway 's the Teaser

Revisiting an old abandoned project…




Hi everybody.

is a by-product of some experiments im trying. Self balancing “robot”. Actual physics actor. Its trying to not fall and I can control it a bit. Its actually fun to play with it.


cute!!! Like watching ur first born go for the first time xD

Update on my learning project.

  • Now with HUD
  • needed block resource to place blocks
  • Dirt block with growing grass
  • improved rotating and “take target rotation” function
  • new torch with not working auto placement :eek:
  • day circle


Couldn’t sleep, did a thing.


  • Twin Stick Slasher

I’m making game on my own and I’ll make a thread about my game, for now I’m posting a video and some screenshots. Hope you will like it guys !

thumb.ibb.co/c9BwLa/Screenshot01.png thumb.ibb.co/hBtnRF/Screenshot02.png thumb.ibb.co/kdFO0a/Screenshot04.png thumb.ibb.co/bHU5Dv/Screenshot10.png thumb.ibb.co/cp7E6F/Screenshot11.png

My current project is some sort of sex dungeon / root cellar hybrid.

I’m a senior majoring in Game Art and Design. 's what I’ve thus far for one of my scenes in my portfolio. Really would like some input if possible :slight_smile:

Work in progress. Intended platforms: mobile, mobile VR, PC

Updated In Game User Interface for .

is a quick screenshot of my game I’ve been working on called Desolate for now. Just some fire I got all sorted out, I love the floating embers all over the sky.

I have been working on the Snow / Ice worlds of my game.

It’s coming along nicely, although, I do feel that because of the cold atmosphere I was going for, everything blends into the same colour tone, so, I will need to work on accentuating certain items of interest.

Thanks for looking.


My small mobile first person adventure game



Today I implemented a first pass physics based turret. Temporarily it uses the base projectile from my ballistics fx pack.

Still early wip : Will need to have way more contrast !